Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) J.F. Gmel.,
Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1472 (1792)
[see pdf]
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Tubulifera arachnoidea
Misc. austriac. 1:144 (1779)
[see pdf]
[Nom. inval., see Lado, Taxon 60(1):221. 2011]
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Stemonitis ferruginosa
Elench. fung. continuatio prima 261 (1786)
[see pdf]
Lycoperdon ferruginosum
(Batsch) Timm,
Fl. megapol. prodr. 276 (1788)
[see pdf]
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Lycoperdon favaceum
Baier. Fl. 2:667 (1789)
[see pdf]
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Sphaerocarpus cylindricus
Hist. champ. France 140 (1791)
[see pdf]
[Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 470, fig. 3. 1790, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable]
Tubifera cylindrica
(Bull.) J.F. Gmel.,
Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1472 (1792)
[see pdf]
Tubulina cylindrica
(Bull.) DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle,
Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:249 (1805)
[see pdf]
Licea cylindrica
(Bull. ) Fr.,
Syst. mycol. 3(1):195 (1829)
[see pdf]
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Sphaerocarpus fragiformis
Hist. champ. France 141 (1791)
[see pdf]
[Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 384. 1788, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable]
Tubifera fragiformis
(Bull.) J.F. Gmel.,
Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1472 (1792)
[see pdf]
Tubulina fragiformis
(Bull.) Pers.,
Neues Mag. Bot. 1:91 (1794)
[see pdf]
Licea fragiformis
(Bull.) Nees,
Syst. Pilze 107 (1817)
[see pdf]
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Licea tubulina
Nov. gen. pl. 16 (1797)
[see pdf]
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Licea clavata
Nov. gen. pl. 18 (1797)
[see pdf]
Tubulina fragiformis
var. clavata
(Schrad.) Pers.,
Observ. mycol. 2:30 (1800)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina coccinea
Trentep., in Roth,
Catal. bot. 1:243 (1797)
[see pdf]
Tubulina fragiformis
var. coccinea
(Trentep.) Pers.,
Observ. mycol. 2:31 (1800)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina fallax
Observ. mycol. 2:28 (1800)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina fragiformis
var. conica
Observ. mycol. 2:30 (1800)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina fragiformis
var. papillata
Observ. mycol. 2:30 (1800)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina fragiformis
var. operculata
Observ. mycol. 2:32 (1800)
[see pdf]
Dermodium fallax
(Pers.) Nees,
Syst. Pilze 109 (1816)
[see pdf]
[Based on Tubulina fallax Pers.]
Licea fallax
(Pers.) Fr. & Lindgr.,
Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 2 :12 (1817)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina fragifera
Poir., in Lamarck,
Encycl. 8:130 (1808)
[see pdf]
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Licea effusa
Sylv. myc. berol. 26 (1818)
[see pdf]
[Pro parte, cf. Lindbladia effusa (Ehrenb.) Rostaf.]
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Licea iricolor
Natuur-Geneesk. Arch. Ned.-lndië 1:376 (1844)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina conglobata
Linnaea 24:140 (1851)
[see pdf]
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Licea rubiformis
Berk. & M.A. Curtis,
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 4:125 (1858)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina nitidissima
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18:387 (1881)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina speciosa
Atti Soc. Crittog. Ital. 3:62 (1881)
[see pdf]
Tubifera speciosa
(Speg.) E. Sheld.,
Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:465 (1895)
[see pdf]
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Tubulifera umbrina
Zopf, in Schenk,
Handb. Bot. 3(2):173 (1885)
[see pdf]
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Tubulina cylindrica
var. acuta
Peck, in Fairman,
Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci. 1:54 (1890)
[see pdf]
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Tubifera ferruginosa
var. complanata
Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 57:305 (1931)
[see pdf]
[See Kowalski, Mycologia 67(3):451. 1975]
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Tubifera ferruginosa
var. subungulata
Koaze, in Nakagawa,
J. Chosen Nat.Hist. Soc. 17:26 (1934)
[see pdf]
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Tubifera ferruginosa
var. albostipitata
Ceská Mykol. 16(1):42 (1962)
[see pdf]
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Tubifera ferruginosa
subsp. acutissima
Leontyev, Schnittler & S.L. Stephenson,
Mycologia 107(5):965 (2015)
[see pdf]