Abbreviations |
This list contains abbreviations (except authors of names, book titles and periodicals) used frequently in this inventory. art. - articulum (article of the ICN or ICBN) cf. - confer (compare) comb. - combinatio (combination) comb. nov. - combinatio nova (new combination) comb. superfl. - combinatio superflua (superfluous combination) ed. - editio (edition) eds. - editores (editors) emend. - emendavit (emended) et al. - et alii (and others) f. - filius (son) or form fig(s). - figure(s) fl. - floruit (of a person, he lived at this period) IAPT - International Association for Plant Taxonomy ICBN - International Code of Botanical Nomenclature ICN - International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) i.e. - id est (that is) in herb. - in herbarium (in a herbarium) in litt. - in litteris (in correspondence) in sched. - in schedula (on a herbarium label) ined. - ineditus (unpublished) l.c. - loco citato (at the place cited) M. & A. - Martin & Alexopoulos (in reference to their book) msc. - manuscriptum (manuscript) n.v. - non vidi (I have not seen) nom. conf. - nomen confusum (confused name) nom. cons. - nomen conservandum (name conserved in ICN) nom. dub. - nomen dubimum (doubtful name) nom. illeg. - nomen illegitimum (illegitimate name) nom. inval. - nomen invalidum (invalid name) nom. nov. - nomen novum (new name) nom. nud. - nomen nudum (name unaccompained by a description or reference to a published description) nov. - novus, -a, -um (new) orth. - varietas orthographia (spelling variation) p. - pagina (page) pers. comm. - personal communication pl. - plate (plate, meaning full-page illustration) p.p. - pro parte (partly, in part) prop. - propositus (proposed) q.v. - quod vide (which see) ser. - series (serie) sp. - species (species) stat. - status (rank) stat. nov. - status novus (new rank) subgen. - subgenus (subgenus) subsp. - subspecies (subspecies) superfl. - superfluus (superfluous) tab. - tabula (plate, meaning full-page illustration) var. - varietas (variety) vol. - volume & - et (and) = heterotypic synonym ≡ homotypic synonym |