An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa

Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid © 2005 - 2025


genus   specie    infraspecie    author    publication

Accepted name

Stemonitis splendens Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 195 (1874) [see pdf]


Stemonitis morganii Peck, Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 5:33 (1880) [see pdf]


Stemonitis splendens var. morganii (Peck) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:82 (1908) [see pdf] ["morgani"]

Stemonitis baeuerlinii f. fenestrata Rex, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 42:37 (1890) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg.]


Stemonitis fenestrata (Rex) T. Macbr., N. Amer. Slime-moulds, ed. 1, 119 (1899) [see pdf]


Stemonitis splendens var. fenestrata (Rex) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:82 (1908) [see pdf]

Stemonitis webberi Rex, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 43:390 (1891) [see pdf] [Moreno, Castillo & Thüs, Phytotaxa 458(4): 276, 2020, based on the structure of the capillitium and the ornamentation of the spores by SEM, consider this taxa as authonomous, not synonym of S. splendens Rostaf.]


Stemonitis splendens var. webberi (Rex) Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 1, 112 (1894) [see pdf] [Moreno, Castillo & Thüs, Phytotaxa 458(4): 276, 2020, based on the structure of the capillitium and the ornamentation of the spores by SEM, consider this taxa at level of species and as authonomous, not synonym of S. splendens Rostaf.]

Stemonitis baeuerlinii Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 79 (1892) [see pdf]

Stemonitis acuminata Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 78 (1892) [see pdf]

Stemonitis lignicola Nann.-Bremek., Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., C. 76(5):478 (1973) [see pdf]