Physarum viride (Bull.) Pers.,
Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 15:6 (1795)
[see pdf]
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Sphaerocarpus viridis
Hist. champ. France 135 (1791)
[see pdf]
[Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 407, fig. 1. 1789, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable]
Stemonitis viridis
(Bull.) J.F. Gmel.,
Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1469 (1792)
[see pdf]
Trichia viridis
(Bull.) Raeusch.,
Nomencl. bot., editio tertia 349 (1797)
[see pdf]
Physarum nutans
var. viride
(Bull.) Fr.,
Syst. mycol. 3(1):129 (1829)
[see pdf]
Tilmadoche viridis
(Bull.) Sacc.,
Michelia 2:263 (1881)
[see pdf]
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Sphaerocarpus aurantius
Hist. champ. France 133 (1791)
[see pdf]
[Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 484, fig. 2. 1791, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable]
Stemonitis aurantia
(Bull.) J.F. Gmel.,
Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1469 (1792)
[see pdf]
Trichia aurantia
(Bull.) Raeusch.,
Nomencl. bot., editio tertia 349 (1797)
[see pdf]
Physarum aurantium
(Bull.) Pers.,
Syn. meth. fung. 1:173 (1801)
[see pdf]
[Non Physarum aurantium Schumach., 1803, nec Ph. aurantium Alb. & Schwein., 1805]
Tilmadoche mutabilis
var. aurantiaca
(Bull.) Rostaf.,
Sluzowce monogr. 131 (1874)
[see pdf]
Tilmadoche viridis
var. aurantiaca
(Bull.) Berl., in Saccardo,
Syll. fung. 7:361 (1888)
[see pdf]
Physarum viride
var. aurantium
(Bull.) Lister,
Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 1, 47 (1894)
[see pdf]
Physarum viride
f. aurantium
(Bull.) Y. Yamam.,
Myxomycete Biota Japan 495 (1998)
[see pdf]
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Sphaerocarpus luteus
Hist. champ. France 136 (1791)
[see pdf]
[Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 407, fig. 2. 1789, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable]
Physarum luteum
(Bull.) Pers.,
Syn. meth. fung. 1:172 (1801)
[see pdf]
Trichia lutea
(Bull.) DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle,
Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:253 (1805)
[see pdf]
[Nom. illeg., Shenzhen Code art. 53.1 (Melbourne Code art. 53.1, ICBN art. 53.1), non T. lutea Trent., 1797]
Tilmadoche mutabilis
var. lutea
(Bull.) Rostaf.,
Sluzowce monogr. 130 (1874)
[see pdf]
Tilmadoche viridis
var. lutea
(Bull.) Berl., in Saccardo,
Syll. fung. 7:360 (1888)
[see pdf]
Physarum viride
var. luteum
(Bull.) Lister,
Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 1, 47 (1894)
[see pdf]
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Stemonitis bicolor
J.F. Gmel.,
Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1469 (1792)
[see pdf]
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Physarum aureum
Neues Mag. Bot. 1:88 (1794)
[see pdf]
[Non Ph. aureum Brândza, 1929]
Physarum nutans
var. aureum
(Pers.) Fr.,
Syst. mycol. 3(1):129 (1829)
[see pdf]
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Physarum viride
var. luteovirens
Alb. & Schwein.,
Consp. fung. lusat. 94 (1805)
[see pdf]
Physarum nutans
var. luteovirens
(Alb. & Schwein.) Rabenh.,
Deutschl. Krypt.-Fl. 1:278 (1844)
[see pdf]
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Physarum nutans
var. coccineum
Syst. mycol. 3(1):129 (1829)
[see pdf]
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Tilmadoche mutabilis
Sluzowce monogr. 129 (1874)
[see pdf]
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Tilmadoche mutabilis
var. irregularis
Rozpr. Spraw. Posiedzen Wydz. Mat.-Przyr. Akad. Umiejetn 12:74 (1884)
[see pdf]
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Chondrioderma exiguum
Hedwigia 28:119 (1889)
[see pdf]
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Physarum viride
var. incanum
Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 1, 47 (1894)
[see pdf]
Physarum viride
f. incanum
(Lister) Y. Yamam.,
Myxomycete Biota Japan 496 (1998)
[see pdf]
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Physarum viride
var. hinnuleum
G. Lister,
J. Bot. 62:17 (1924)
[see pdf]