Amaurochaete Rostaf.,
Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 8 (1873)
[see pdf]
[The correct name, according the nomenclatural code, is Lachnobolus (Lado, 2001), but the name Amaurochaete is maintained because the proposal to conserve this name (Lado et al., Taxon 54(2):543. 2005) has been accepted by the IAPT Committe for Fungi (Gams, Taxon 54(3):829. 2005)]
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Syst. orb. veg. 148 (1825)
[see pdf]
[Non Lachnobolus (Fr.) Fr., 1849. The genus Lachobolus was proposed by Fries in 1825, and included only one species, L. cribosus Fr. This name, as Macbride, N. Amer. Slime-Moulds, ed. 2:150-153. 1922, established, is synonym of Amaurochaete tubulina (Alb. & Schwein.) T.Macbr. But Fries' name antedates Amaurochaete Rostaf. by 48 years, and applying Principle III of the ICBN, Lachnobolus has priority over it. Martin, Stud.Nat.Hist.Iowa Univ. 20:19. 1988, chose to use Amaurochaete over Lachnobolus (1825) because he felt it had been a source of confusion. He also affirms that there are earlier names than Lachnobolus with nomenclatural priority over it. Since none has been found (Strongylium Ditmar, 1809, is a synonym of Reticularia Bull, 1787-88), Lachnobolus (1825) is the oldest name for this genus, and there is no confusion since Lachnobolus (1849) has not been used for many years. However the name Amaurochaete is maintained because the proposal to conserve this name (Lado et al., Taxon 54(2):543. 2005) has been accepted by the IAPT Committe for Fungi (Gams, Taxon 54(3):829. 2005)]
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Hedwigia 26(3):111 (1887)
[see pdf]
[Nom. inval.]
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Racib. ex L.F. Celak.,
Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):45 (1893)
[see pdf]
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Bull. Int. Acad. Polon. Sci., Cl. Sci. Math., Ser. B, Sci. Nat. 1924:396 (1924)
[see pdf]
[Nom. illeg., non Matruchotia Boul., 1893]
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Skup. ex G. Lister, in Lister,
Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 3, 165 (1925)
[see pdf]
[Nom. illeg., non Matruchotiella Grigorakis, 1924]