An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa

Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid © 2005 - 2025


genus   specie    infraspecie    author    publication

Accepted name

Heterotrichia obvelata (Oeder) Yatsiuk, Leontyev & Schnittler, in Yatsiuk, Leontyev, Schnittler, Ehlers, Mikryukov & Kõljalg, Fungal Syst. Evol.. 15:111 (2024) [see pdf]



Embolus obvelatus Oeder, Fl. dan. 3(9):7, tab. 536 (1770) [see pdf]


Arcyria obvelata (Oeder) Onsberg, Mycologia 70(6):1286 (1979) [see pdf] ["1978"]

Trichia nutans Bull., Herb. France 11(121-126):pl. 502, fig. 3 (1791) [see pdf] [Non T. nutans Trentep., 1797]


Stemonitis nutans (Bull.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1467 (1792) [see pdf]


Arcyria nutans (Bull.) Grev., Fl. edin. 455 (1824) [see pdf] ["Arscyria"]


Arcyrella nutans (Bull.) Racib., Hedwigia 24:170 (1885) [see pdf]


Clathroides nutans (Bull.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:467 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [About the identity of the genus Clatrhoides see comments under this genus]

Arcyria flava Pers., Neues Mag. Bot. 1:90 (1794) [see pdf]

Stemonitis amoena Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:222 (1797) [see pdf]

Trichia elongata Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:209 (1803) [see pdf]

Arcyria alutacea Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:212 (1803) [see pdf]

Arcyrella nutans var. brevispina Racib., Hedwigia 24:170 (1885) [see pdf]

Arcyrella nutans var. spinosissima Racib., Hedwigia 24:170 (1885) [see pdf]