Cribraria Pers.,
Neues Mag. Bot. 1:91 (1794)
[see pdf]
[Proposed as a name to conserve because of the following:Cribraria Schrad. ex J. F. Gmel., Syst. Nat. 2:1471. 1792, with the single species C. pallida Schrad. ex J. F. Gmel., antedates Persoon's publication by two years, but is merely named with the citation "Schrader fung. ined." (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 75. 1969). Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:12. 1966, adds that he has found no reference to the species in Persoon, 1794, nor Schrader, 1797, nor in any later work. Neither genus nor species can be recognized from the description, but it may be a legitimately published earlier synonym of Cribraria Pers. The name Cribraria Pers. is maintained because the proposal to conserve this name (Lado et al., Taxon 54(2):544. 2005) has been accepted by the IAPT Committe for Fungi (Gams, Taxon 54(3):829. 2005)]
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Nov. gen. pl. 11 (1797)
[see pdf]
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Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 5 (1873)
[see pdf]
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subg. Schraderella
Sluzowce monogr. 232 (1875)
[see pdf]
[See Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:412. 1888]
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subg. Eucribraria
Sluzowce monogr. 233 (1875)
[see pdf]
[Nom. inval. See Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:413. 1888]