Licaethalium simulans (Rostaf.) Y. Yamam., Biota Japanese Myxomycetes 90 (2021) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. F.5.1-F.5.4, recognized repository not mentioned. Based on Enteridium simulans Rostaf.]


Aethalium microscopica Wallr., in herb.",


Aethalium minimum Wallr. in litt.",


Arcyria de Bary msc.",


Arcyria cinnamomea J.S. Kaulf. msc",


Arcyria olivacea Ransch",


Arcyria pedicula Hll. pag. 47", [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:426. 1888, in reference to Hill, Hist. pl. 47, 1751. Pre-Linnaean]


Arcyria rosea Spreng",


Chondrioderma cookei Massee in herb. Kew",


Comatricha gracilis Wingate",


Comatricha platensis Speg. in herb.",


Cornuvia schweinitzii Berk. in herb.",


Craterium minutum J.J. Kickx",


Cribraria microcarpa T. Macbr.",


Dermatricha flagellifer Cooke msc.",


Dictydiaethalium plumbeum Thaxt. in herb.",


Dictydium operculatum Bong.",


Diderma lenticulare Wallr. in herb.",


Diderma physaroides Schumach. in herb.",


Diderma umbilicatum Peck",


Diderma vitellinum Link in herb.",


Didymium botryoides Berk. in herb.",


Didymium capitatum Link, Diss. III. 27.",


Didymium columbinum Berk. msc.",


Didymium dealbatum Berk. msc.",


Didymium farinaceum Purton",


Didymium physaroides Klotzsch",


Didymium polycephalum Ravenel",


Enerthenema elegans Berk. & Broome",


Hemitrichia anthracopeziza Speg. in herb.",


Hemitrichia bucknallii Massee",


Lamproderma arcyrioides Morgan",


Lepidoderma carestianum f. caesium Meyl.",


Lepidoderma carestianum f. calcite-partie Meyl.",


Lepidoderma carestianum f. discina Meyl.",


Lepidoderma carestianum f. plasmodiocarpa Meyl.",


Lepidoderma tigrinum f. brevipes Meyl.",


Lepidoderma tigrinum f. longipes Meyl.",


Licea lignatilis Beck.",


Licea strobilina Fr.",


Lycogala epidendrum J.C. Buxb.",


Lycogala olivacea Link, Hdbk.",


Lycoperdon alni Bjerk. in Vet., Handl. p.39",


Lycoperdon sanguineum J.C. Buxb.",


Mucilago crustacea var. dictyospora R.E. Fr.",


Ophiotheca umbrina Ellis",


Physarum albopunctatum Link in herb.",


Physarum alutaceum Wallr. in herb.",


Physarum areolatum Bertero in herb.",


Physarum argentinense Speg. in herb,",


Physarum atomum Carmich.",


Physarum atrum Morgan",


Physarum brevipes Schumach. in herb.",


Physarum caelatum Ehrenb. in herb.",


Physarum chrysocephalum Wallr. in herb.",


Physarum coerulescens Pers." in litt., an Desmazières,


Physarum connexum Morgan",


Physarum corrugatum Link in herb.",


Physarum diderma Lister",


Physarum effusum Link",


Physarum flavicomum Sacc.",


Physarum globuliferum DC. in herb., teste Fries",


Physarum gracile Weinm. in herb.",


Physarum gracilentum Fuckel",


Physarum gyrosum Massee",


Physarum heteromorpha [Speg.] in herb.",


Physarum leucopus Schumach. in herb.",


Physarum macrocarpum Fuckel",


Physarum membranaceum Schumach. in herb.",


Physarum muelleri Berk. msc.",


Physarum obrusseum T. Macbr.",


Physarum ramentaceum Fr., in litt. an Wein. (1836)",


Physarum sulphureum var. atomum Klotzsch,


Physarum thejoteum Morgan",


Physarum verrucosum Link in herb.", ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 99 (1874),


Spumaria alba Bull.",


Spumaria physaroides DC. Fr. 2. p. 101. fide accuratae descriptionis",


Stemonitis bicolor Fr. in herb.",


Stemonitis botrytis Pers.",


Stemonitis chalybea Pers. in litt.",


Stemonitis ochracea Opiz in herb.",


Stemonitis piriformis auct.,


Strongylium atrum Link",


Trichia carnea Wallr. in litt.",


Trichia clavata Wigand, Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 3:28 (1863)",


Trichia piriformis auct.,


Trichia varia var. subrufescens Bong. in herb.",


Tubifera strobilina (Alb. & Schwein.) Poir. ex Steud.,


Tubulifera coccinea Trentep.",


Tubulifera cremor Oeder",


Arcyria enermis Minakata & Koaze",


Badhamia panicea var. heterospora f. notabilis Koaze",


Cribraria piriformis var. ferruginoides Koaze & Shimonakano",


Cribraria piriformis var. notabilis f. nimia Koaze",


Diachea leucopodia var. praetermissa Koaze",


Trichia favoginea var. anceps Koaze",


Physarum cinereum Link",


Cribraria lycopodii Nees "in litt.",


Licea caespitosa Peck", Annual Rep. New York State Mus. [ref. not. located]


Lycoperdon sanguineum Ruppius, Fl. Jen."


Physarum nodulosum Cooke & Balf.f., in Ravenel & Cooke, Fung. amer. exs. No. 479


Clathrus pedatus Schmidel, Icon. tab.33, figs. 1-17", [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:447. 1888, as a synonym of Hemiarcyria clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. Originally published in 1747, Schmidel's book was again printed in 1762 and again, apparently revised in 1793-1797, hence his names may have been validly publish (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Physarum citrinum var. compressum Bäumler, in Strasser, Pilzflora Sonntagb. (Verh. K. K. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 1900) 196


Chondrioderma andinum Speg., in herb.,


Colloderma pustulatum G.W. Martin msc.", in herb.


Bovista miniata Dill., Cat. pl. circa Gissam 197 (1719)", [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:435. 1888, as a synonym of "Lycogala epidendrum Buxb.," and often copied by later authors. Both names, as so cited, pre-Linnaean (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Clathrus pediculatus Guett., Observ. pl. 1:16 (1747)", [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:426. 1888, as a synonym of Arcyria punicea Pers., pre-Linnaean (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Embolus lacteus Jacq., Misc. aust., I, p. 137, t. 6. 1778", [see pdf] [Name not found in Jacquin, Miscellanea austriaca, vol. 1, "1778" [1779]. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 198. 1874 as a synonym of Comatricha typhina (F. H. Wigg.) Rostaf. ]


Stemonitis typhina Roth",


Clathrus sphaerocephalus Bolton, Hist. fung. Halifax, 3:94, pl. 94, fig. 1 (1789)", [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 360. 1875, as doubtful. Bolton ascribed the binomial to Relhan (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Reticularia rosea Poir. Ency. VIII, n. 21", ,


Trichia variabilis (Schrad.) Poir., in Lamarck, Encycl. 8:131 (1808)", [see pdf] [Cited by Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 52. 1969 as synonym of Licea variabilis Schrad. A mistake, Poiret mentioned Tubulina variabilis (Schrad.) Poir.]


Didymium globosum var. stipitatum Sw.",


Physarum sphaeroides Chevall. Fl. Par. 1:339 (1826)",


Lignydium quercinum Fr.", [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 290. 1874, as "Lignidium quercinum Fr., Stirp. femsj., p. 83", and as a synonym of Cornuvia circumscissa Wallr. ex Rostaf.; accepted without question by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:422. 1888. Fries, Stirp.agri femsion., 5:83 (1827), not mentioned this species]


Didymium lobatum var. stipitatum Sommerf., Suppl. Fl. lapp. 210 (1826)"


Didymium physaroides Letell.", Fig. champ.


Cionium tigrinum Link, Handbuch 3:410 (1833)",


Physarum physaroides (Pers.) Chevall. Fl. Par. ed. 2. 1:339 (1836)",


Halterophora fulva Endl.", [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 301 ["369"]. 1875, as doubtful. Endlicher, Gen. pl. 25 (1836), did not publish the binomial except by implication, citing Tipularia fulva Chevall., J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts 92:58. 1822; the combination in Halterophora was made by Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 2:855. 1891 ["1893"] (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Didymium physaroides Mont.", ,


Didymium hemisphaericum Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:341 (1870)", [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 114. 1874, as a synonym of Physarum leucophaeum Fr. Fuckel cited (Bull.) Fr. as the authors (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Physarum contextum f. genuina , [see pdf] ["genuinum"] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 110. 1874 ]


Physarum leucophaeum f. genuinum Fr. & Palmquist, [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 114. 1874]


Craterium vulgare f. genuinum Ditmar, [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 119.1874]


Craterium minutum var. genuinum (Leers) Fr., [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 121.1874]


Trichamphora fuckeliana f. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 138.1874]


Badhamia utricularis var. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 142.1874]


Didymium farinaceum f. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 155.1874]


Didymium confluens var. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 165.1874]


Comatricha typhina f. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 198.1874]


Physarum schumacheri f. genuinum Spreng., [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 99.1874]


Cribraria vulgaris f. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 234.1875]


Trichia fallax f. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 245.1875]


Trichia fragilis var. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 248.1875]


Trichia varia var. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 254.1875]


Hemiarcyria rubiformis f. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 263.1875]


Arcyria pallens Wallr. in litt.", [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 277. 1875 and copied in later works. No record of valid publication found (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 410. 1969)]


Arcyria ochracea de Bary msc.", [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 279. 1875. No record of valid publication found (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 410. 1969)]


Reticularia sphaeroides J.F. Gmel.", [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 387. 1875, probably an error for R. sphaeroidalis Bull. emend. J. F. Gmel., Syst. nat. 1472. 1792 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Physarum petersii var. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 6. 1876]


Physarum atropurpureum Peck", [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese, in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:348. 1888, is an erroneus citation of Ph. atrorubrum Peck (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 324. 1969)]


Arcyria sessilis Hll. pag. 47", [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:428. 1888, in reference to Hill, Hist. pl. 48 ["47"], 1751.Pre-Linnaean]


Ophiotheca circumscissa (Wallr.) Massee",


Physarum schumacheri Rostaf.", [see pdf] [Cited by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 275, 1892, but Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 98. 1874, cited Sprengel as author]


Didymium effusum var. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Celakovský, Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):63. 1893]


Physarum braunianum Lister",


Physarum cinereum Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa ed. 1, 56 (1894) in part",


Arcyrella affinis Rostaf.",


Lepidoderma aggregatum var. niveum" , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., without Latin description. Cited by Poulain, Meyer & Bozonnet, Bull. Mycol. Bot. Dauphiné-Savoie 165:13. 2002]


Physarum stipatum Morgan",


Perichaena microcarpa Saut.",


Lycogala sessile Retz.",


Diderma dealbatum Berk. & M.A.Curtis ex Massee", Myxomycetes


Arcyria inermis Racib., Myx.Krak. 14 (1885)" [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:430. 1888. Surely a mistake for Arcyrella inermis Racib.]

Trichia pyriformis Fr., S.M. III, 184",

Arcyria punicea Rostaf.",

Diderma difforme Sommerf.",


Amphisporium versicolor Fr.", [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese, in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:371. 1888, as "Amphisporium versicolor Fr. Gast. 19". Not found in the publication of Fries & Palmquist, Symb. gasteromyc., fasc. 3:19. 1818. Probably a mistake with Amphisporium versicolor Link.]

Licea macrosperma Schwein.",


Physarum striatum Fuckel",


Aethalium vaporarium Berk.",


Trichia ramosa (Pers.) Merat, Fl. Par. ed. 2, 1:117. 1821",


Didymium squamulosum f. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 160.1874]


Arcyria cinerea subsp. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 274. 1875 ]


Comatricha typhina var. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Celakovský, Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):48. 1893]


Cribraria vulgaris var. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Celakovský, Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):22. 1893]


Didymium squamulosum var. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Cooke, Contr. mycol. brit. 34. 1877]


Physarum contextum var. genuina , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Cooke, Contr. mycol. brit. 14. 1877, as "genuinum]


Physarum leucophaeum var genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Cooke, Contr. mycol. brit. 15. 1877]


Physarum schumacheri var. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Cooke, Contr. mycol. brit. 12. 1877]


Craterium vulgare var. genuinum , [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Cooke, Contr. mycol. brit. 18. 1877]


Stemonitis lilacina Schr. Fl. Bav. II, 1784",


Clathroides flavescens P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen. 214 (1729) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:429. 1888, as a synonym of Arcyria nutans (Bull.) Grev. Micheli's names were not binomials and are of course pre-Linnaean, and later citations as such do not validate them (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Clathroides purpureum P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen. 214 (1729) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:428. 1888, as a synonym of Arcyria adnata (Batsch) Rostaf. Micheli's names were not binomials and are of course pre-Linnaean, and later citations as such do not validate them (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Clathroidastrum obscurum P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen. 215 (1729) [see pdf] [Micheli's pl. 94 fig. 2 is cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:394. 1888, as a synonym of Comatricha typhina (F. H. Wigg.) Rostaf., pl. 94 fig. 1, and, with the same binomial, is cited on p. 397 as a synonym of S. fusca Roth. Micheli's names were not binomials and are of course pre-Linnaean, and later citations as such do not validate them, but they are not infrequently cited in the literature (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Mucilago minima P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen. 216, tab. 96, fig. 4 (1729) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7(1):442. 1888, as Mucilago minima Mich. t. 96, f. 4, in reference to Micheli, Nov. pl. gen. 216. 1729. Micheli's names were not binomials and are of course pre-Linnaean, and later citations as such do not validate them]


Lycogala luteum P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen. 216, tab. 95, fig 4 (1729) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:442. 1888, as a synonym of Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Pre-Linnaean and a polynomial, and never, so far as we know, validated. Its identity extremely doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Lycogala globosum P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen. 216, tab. 95, fig. 3 (1729) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:435. 1888, as a synonym of L. epidendrum (L.) Fr. Micheli's name was a polynomial and pre-Linnaean, but it may have been validated by Schrank, Baier. Fl. 1789, since Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 373. 1875, cites it as L. globosum Schrank (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969). See also Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 302. 1875]


Mucilago aestiva P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen. 216, tab.96, fig. 1 (1729) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 32.1a (Melbourne Code art. 32.1a, ICBN art. 32.1a). Pre-Linnean]


Lycogala griseum P. Micheli", Nov. pl. gen 216, tab.95, fig. 1 (1729) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 32.1a (Melbourne Code art. 32.1a, ICBN art. 32.1a). Pre-Linnean ]


Clathroides flavescens Haller", Enum. meth. stirp. Helv. 1:10, tab.1, fig. 7 (1742) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:443. 1888, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) DC., but Haller not use binomials regularly. Pre-Linnaean ]


Clathroides pyriforme Haller", Enum. meth. stirp. Helv. 1:10, tab.1, fig. 5 (1742) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:447. 1888, as a synonym of Hemiarcyria rubiformis (Pers.) Rostaf., but Haller not use binomials regularly. Pre-Linnaean]


Clathroides longissimum Haller", Enum. meth. stirp. Helv. 1:10 (1742) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:429. 1888, as a synonym of Arcyria nutans (Bull.) Grev., but Haller not use binomials regularly. Pre-Linnaean]


Lycoperdon sphaericum Gled., Meth. fung. 150 (1753) [see pdf] [Pre-Linnaean, and not a binomial as published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Mucor embolus L., Sp. pl. 2:1185 (1753) [see pdf] [Presumably an Arcyria or a Stemonitis. See Martin, [Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:15, 24] 1966 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Clathrus nudus L., Sp. pl. 2:1179 (1753) [see pdf] [Cited by Persoon, Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 20:120. 1796, as synonym of Stemonitis fasciculata Pers. ex J. F. Gmel. (= S. fusca Roth). According to Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:11. 1966 it appears to be a mixture of at least three species of Stemonitis]


Clathrus recutitus L., Fl. suec., ed. 2, 456 (1755) [see pdf] [See comments under Stemonitis recutita (L.) J. F. Gmel.]


Mucilago crustacea var. alba Battarra, Fungi arimin. 76 (1755) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 23.6 and 32.1 (Melbourne Code art. 23.6 and 32.1, ICBN art. 23.6 and 32.1). Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:435. 1888, as a synonym of Spumaria alba (Bull.) DC.]


Byssus bombycina Retz., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. ser. 1, 30:251 (1769) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:388. 1888, in synonymy of Spumaria alba (Bull.) DC. We have been unable to verify the reference (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Clathrus ramosus Retz., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. ser. 1, 30:253 (1769) [see pdf] [Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:428. 1888, cites var. a of Retzius' species as a synonym of Arcyria adnata (Batsch) Rostaf., and on p. 429, his var. b as a synonym of Arcyria nutans (Bull.) Grev. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Lycoperdon stipitatum Retz., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. ser. 1, 30:254 (1769) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 157. 1874, as a synonym of Didymium microcarpon (Fr.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Lycoperdon aggregatum Retz., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. ser. 1, 30:254 (1769) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:443. 1888, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) DC. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969). According to Index Fungorum not a myxomycete]


Mucor lycoperdoides Scop., Annus IV hist.-nat. 151, pl. 1, fig. 11 (1770) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monog. 294. 1875, as a synonym of Perichaena fusco-atra (Sibth.) Rostaf.; by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:246. 1925, as a doubtful synonym of P. corticalis (Batsch) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Lycoperdon hypoxylon Pall., Reise russ. Reich. 1:503 (1771) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 275. 1875, as a synonym of Arcyria incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Mucilago granosa Scop., Diss. sci. nat. 87 (1772) [see pdf] [Cited by Saccardo & Traverso in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 20:123. 1911, as a "species incertae sedis"]


Mucilago sordida Scop., Diss. sci. nat. 86 (1772) [see pdf] [Cited by Saccardo & Traverso in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 20:123. 1911, as a "species incertae sedis"]


Stemonitis ovulum Scop., Diss. sci. nat. 89 (1772) [see pdf] [Cited by Saccardo & Traverso in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 20:885. 1911, as "species dubia"]


Mucor pyriformis Scop., Fl. carniol., ed. 2, 2:492 (1772) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 247. 1875, as a synonym of "Trichia nigripes Pers."; on p. 252, of T. varia var. nigripes (Pers.) Rostaf. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:208. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969). Non M. pyriformis Leers, 1775]


Mucor butyraceous Schaeff., Fung. Bavar. Palat. nasc. 4:132, pl. 194 (vol. 2) (1774) [see pdf] ["butyraceus"] [Often cited as a synonym of Fuligo septica (L.) F. H. Wigg. This is possible but neither the description nor the illustration, pl. 194, make it more than that (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 268. 1969)]


Mucor carneus Schaeff., Fung. Bavar. Palat. nasc. 4:133, pl. 195 (vol. 2) (1774) [see pdf] [Fries, Syst. Mycol. Index 120. 1832, suggests Aethalium septicum (L.) Fr., but that is extremely doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Mucor granulatus Schaeff., Fung. Bavar. Palat. nasc. 4:133, pl. 296 (vol. 3) (1774) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 254. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Highly questionable(apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Mucor stemonitis Schaeff.", Fung. Bavar. Palat. nasc. 4:133, pl. 297 (1774) [see pdf] [Not published as new. Schaeffer cites M. stemonitis Scop. His plate does in all probability represent Comatricha typhoides (Bull.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Mucor miniatus Jacq., Fl. austriac. 3:54, pl. 299 (1775) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 243. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia fallax Pers. Doubtful, G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:212. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Tubulifera ceratum O.F. Müll., Fl. dan. 4(11):8, tab. 659 (1775) [see pdf] [Name perhaps invalid. Surely Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) J. F. Gmel. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 59. 1969)]


Tubulifera cremor O.F. Müll., Fl. dan. 4(11):8, tab. 659 (1775) [see pdf] [Name perhaps invalid. Surely Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) J. F. Gmel. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 59. 1969)]


Mucor lacteus Leers, Fl. herborn., ed. 1, 283 (1775) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 252. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia varia var. nigripes (Pers.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Mucor violaceus Leers, Fl. herborn., ed. 1, 283 (1775) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 204. 1874, as synonym of Lamproderma columbinum (Pers.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Lycoperdon epiphyllum Lightf., Fl. scot. 2:1069 (1777) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 255. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) DC. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Lycoperdon variolosum Huds.", Fl. angl., ed. 2, 2:645 (1778) [see pdf] [Cited by Martin & Alexopoulus, Myxomycetes, 63. 1969, but Hudson mentioned "Syst. nat. III. 234", a clear reference to Linnaeus's book, Syst. nat., ed. 12 (Holmiae), 3:234, 1768, where this species is described]


Lycoperdon epiphyllum Huds., Fl. angl., ed. 2, 2:645 (1778) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 286. 1875, as a synonym of Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fr. If published as new, a later homonym of L. epiphyllum Lightf., 1777 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Lycoperdon fuscum Huds., Fl. angl., ed. 2, 2:645 (1778) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 241. 1875, as a synonym of Reticularia lycoperdon Bull. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Clathrus fulvus (L.) Huds., Fl. angl., ed. 2, 2:631 (1778) [see pdf] [Based on Mucor fulvus L., Sp. pl. 2:1185. 1753, a fungus]


Mucor tubulosus Retz., Fl. Scand. prodr. 256 (1779) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 220. 1875, as a synonym of Tubulina cylindrica (Bull.) DC. Fries, Syst. Mycol. Index 121. 1832, wrote after it (Licea), since he then regarded Tubulina as a "tribus" of Licea (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Lycoperdon luteum Jacq., Misc. austriac. 1:139, pl. 8 (1779) [see pdf] ["1778"] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:60. 1925, as a doubtful synonym of Physarum contextum (Pers.) Pers. Possibly not to be regarded as a binomial, although so listed on p. 211. Surely not a myxomycete; probably a hypocreaceous fungus (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 303. 1875]


Lycoperdon gregarium Retz., 1:33 (1779) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monog. 253. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) DC. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Arcyria trichia F.H. Wigg., Prim. fl. holsat. 109 (1780) [see pdf] [Not identifiable (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Arcyria pyriformis F.H. Wigg., Prim. fl. holsat. 110 (1780) [see pdf] [Wiggers says "cf. Hall. n. 2168." Haller's figure suggests Trichia varia and Wiggers' brief description might apply to this (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Mucor araneosus Jacq., Misc. austriac. 2:376, pl. 20 (1781) [see pdf] [Incorrectly cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monog. 194. 1874, as a synonym of Stemonitis fusca Roth. Copied, with correction, by later authors. Extremely doubtful. The original description and figure suggest Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) J. F. Gmel. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Trichia nivea O.F. Müll., Fl. dan. 5(13):8, tab. 776 (1782) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 94. 1874, as a possible synonym of Physarum affine Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Mucilago filamentosa, ramosa Bonamy", Fl. nannet. prodr. 135, pl. 3 (1782)


Peziza convivalis Batsch, Elench. fung. 121 (1783) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 123. 1874, as a synonym of Craterium leucocephalum (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Ditmar. Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:78. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Lycoperdon bombacinum Batsch, Elench. fung. 153 (1783) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 247. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia fragilis (Sowerby) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Lycoperdon verrucosum Batsch, Elench. fung. 155 (1783) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 286. 1875, as a synonym of Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fr., which the vague description makes possible (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Mucor sphaerocephalus Batsch, Elench. fung. 157 (1783) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 154. 1874, as a synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad., but that is no more than a possibility (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Clathrus pedunculatus Batsch, Elench. fung. 141 (1783) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:426. 1888, as a synonym of Arcyria punicea Pers. Doubtful (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Clathrus pertusus Batsch, Elench. fung. 143 (1783) [see pdf] [Cited by Willdenow, Fl. Berol. Prodr. 408. 1787 as a synonym of Stemonitis fusca Roth; by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:394. 1888, of Comatricha typhina (F. H. Wigg.) Rostaf. Berlese cites Batsch's fig. 176, illustrating Embolus pertusus (Batsch) , which does suggest the Comatricha more than it does the Stemonitis (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Mucor caerulescens Latourr., Chlor. lugd. 41 (1785) [see pdf] [Latourrette cites "Trichia Hall. 2163". Probably an Arcyria but otherwise unidentifiable]


Lycoperdon rufum Dicks., Fasc. pl. crypt. brit. 1:25 (1785) [see pdf] [A possible synonym of Arcyria denudata (L.) Wettst., see Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:240. 1911]


Embolus pertusus (Batsch) Batsch, Elench. fung. continuatio prima 263 (1786) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 368. 1875, as a synonym of Comatricha typhina (F. H. Wigg.) Rostaf. Batsch's fig. 176 on pl. 30, does suggest it (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Lycoperdon vesiculosum Batsch, Elench. fung. continuatio prima 253 (1786) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 254. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia varia var. genuina Rostaf.. Probably a Trichia but species uncertain( apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Clathrus sphaerocephalus Relhan, Fl. cantab. suppl. 1:31 (1786) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 154. 1874, as a synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad., and this is accepted by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 381. 1888. This name is too doubtful in its application to warrant using its epithet for D. melanospermum (Pers.) T. Macbr. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Tremella typhina Willd., Fl. berol. prodr. 420 (1787) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 184. 1874, as a synonym of Stemonitis fusca Roth (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Reticularia nigra Bull., Herb. France 8(85-96):pl. 380, fig. 2 (1788) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969). See Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875]


Reticularia stipitata Bull., Herb. France 8(85-96):pl. 380, fig. 3 (1788) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:374. 1888, as the basionym of Diderma stipitatum (Bull.) Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3:104. 1829, not listed in recent works. Bulliard's figure certainly suggests a myxomycete, possibly a Badhamia (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969). Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 305. 1875, cited various synonyms under this species]


Stemonitis sulphurea Roth, Tent. fl. Germ. 1:548 ["448"] (1788) [see pdf] [A fungus, Eurotium, according to G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 204. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 307. 1875]


Stemonitis violacea Roth, Tent. fl. Germ. 1:548 ["448"] (1788) [see pdf] [The brief description suggests something having the general aspect of Diderma hemisphaericum (Bull.) Hornem., but it certainly should not be regarded as a synonym of that species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 204. 1969)]


Stemonitis pyriformis Roth", Tent. fl. Germ. 1:548 ["448"] (1788) [see pdf] [Listed by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 255. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) DC. Roth gives author as Willdenow (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis trichia Roth, Tent. fl. Germ. 1:549 (1788) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:237. 1925, as a possible synonym of Arcyria incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Very doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 204. 1969)]


Lycoperdon luteum Schrank, Baier. Fl. 2:629 (1789) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 135. 1874, as a synonym of Fuligo varians Sommerf. If Jacquins name was validly published, this is a later homonym (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969)]


Stemonitis carnea Schrank, Baier. Fl. 2:634 (1789) [see pdf] ["Stemionitis"] [Probably a mold, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 202. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 306. 1875]


Stemonitis filicina Schrank, Baier. Fl. 2:634 (1789) [see pdf] ["Stemionitis"] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:395. 1888, as a synonym of Comatricha typhina (F. H. Wigg.) Rostaf. Based on S. petiolata gregaria Gled., Meth. Fung., pl. 4. 1753, redrawn from Micheli, pl. 94. Could include several species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 202. 1969)]


Stemonitis alba Schrank, Baier. Fl. 2:635 (1789) [see pdf] ["Stemionitis"] [Neither description nor comments permit identification. Certainly non S. alba (Bull.) J. F. Gmel., 1792 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 202. 1969)]


Stemonitis lilacea Schrank, Baier. Fl. 2:635 (1789) [see pdf] ["Stemionitis"] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:428. 1888, as "lilacina" and as synonym of Arcyria adnata (Batsch) Rostaf. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261.1925, writes "doubtful." (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969). ]


Lycogala globosum Schrank, Baier. Fl. 2:638 (1789) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete, see Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:160. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 302. 1875]


Reticularia carnosa Bull., Herb. France 9(97-108):pl. 424, fig. 1 (1789) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. Fries in Summa Veg. Scand. 449. 1848, suggests Ptychogaster (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969). Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875, suggests a gasteromycete]


Trichia pyriformis Vill., Hist. pl. Dauphiné 3(2):1060 (1789) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 253. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) DC. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Trichia globosa Vill., Hist. pl. Dauphiné 3(2):1061 (1789) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:115. 1925, as synonym of Didymium melanospermum (Pers.) T. Macbr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Clathrus turbinatus Bolton", Hist. fung. Halifax 3:94, pl. 94, fig. 3 (1790) [see pdf] [Bolton ascribed the binomial to Hudson, Fl. angl. ed. 2, 2:632. 1778. The synonym with Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. is marked with a "?" by Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:93. 1976]


Clathrus flavus Bolton", Hist. fung. Halifax 3:94, pl, 93, fig. 4 (1790) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 360. 1875, as doubtful. Bolton mentioned Linnaeus, Sp. pl. ed. 2, 1655. 1763, but Linnaeus described Mucor sphaerocephalus ]


Clathrus olivaceus Bolton, Hist. fung. Halifax 3:94, pl. 94, fig. 2 (1790) [see pdf] [Validly published, but not recognizable (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969)]


Stemonitis cyathiformis Schrank, Bot. Mag. (Römer & Usteri) 4(12):19 (1790) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:78. 1925, as a possible synonym of Craterium leucocephalum (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Ditmar (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 202. 1969)]


Stemonitis flavescens Schrank, Bot. Mag. (Römer & Usteri) 4(12):19 (1790) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 244. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia fallax Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis sphaerocarpa Schrank, Bot. Mag. (Römer & Usteri) 4(12):20 (1790) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:416. 1888, as a synonym of Cribraria argillacea (Pers. ex J. F. Gmelin) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Reticularia sphaeroidalis Bull., Herb. France 10(109-120):pl. 446, fig. 2 (1790) [see pdf] [May be Diderma spumarioides (Fr.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 369. 1969)]


Reticularia epixylon Bull., Herb. France 10(109-120):pl. 472, fig. 1 (1790) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. See Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:468. 1888, and Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875]


Reticularia segetum Bull., Herb. France 10(109-120):pl. 472, fig. 2 (1790) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. A smut (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969). See Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 305. 1875]


Trichia coccinea Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:11, tab. 3, figs. 1, 2 (1790) [see pdf] [Identity doubtful. Possibly not a myxomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Trichia nivea Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:14, tab, 4, fig. 1 (1790) [see pdf] [Could be a pale Arcyria (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 2013. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 308. 1875]


Trichia lenticularis Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:16, tab. 4, fig. 3 (1790) [see pdf] [Doubtful. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 308. 1875]


Trichia violacea Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:5, tab. 2, fig. 1 (1790) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 202. 1874, as synonym of Comatricha friesiana (de Bary) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Lycogala niveum Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:9, tab. 2, fig. 4 (1790) [see pdf] [An immature Lamproderma? G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 302. 1875]


Trichia rufa Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:10, tab. 2, fig. 5 (1790) [see pdf] [Probably non T. rufa With., 1792. Doubtful. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:262. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 309. 1875]


Clathrus fulvus Bolton", Hist. fung. Halifax 3:93, pl, 93, fig. 3 (1790) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 360. 1875, as doubtful. Bolton adscribed the binomial to Hudson, Fl. Angl. ed. 2, 2:630. 1778. Based on Mucor fulvus L., Sp. pl. 2:1185. 1753, a fungus]


Clathrus nudus Bolton", Hist. fung. Halifax 3:93, pl, 93, fig. 1 (1790)


Sphaerocarpus trichioides Bull., Hist. champ. France 124 (1791) [see pdf] ["trichiodes"] [Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 387, fig. 2. 1789, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable. Persoon, Syn. Meth. Fung. 1801, cited it as possible synomym of Cribraria coccinea Pers. Probably a Cribraria but not otherwise recognizable. See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 305. 1875]


Sphaerocarpus semitrichioides Bull., Hist. champ. France 125 (1791) [see pdf] [Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 387, fig. 1. 1789, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable. Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:173. 1925, as possible synomym of Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 305. 1875]


Sphaerocarpus coccineus Bull., Hist. champ. France 126 (1791) [see pdf] [Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 368, fig. 1. 1788, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable. See comments under Stemonitis coccinea (Bull.) J. F. Gmel.]


Sphaerocarpus antiades Bull., Hist. champ. France 127 (1791) [see pdf] [Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 368, fig. 2. 1788, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable. See comments under Physarum antiades (Bull.) Fr.]


Sphaerocarpus piriformis Bull., Hist. champ. France 129 (1791) [see pdf] [Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 417, fig. 2. 1789, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable. See comments under Stemonitis pyriformis (Bull.) J. F. Gmel.]


Sphaerocarpus ficoides Bull., Hist. champ. France 130 (1791) [see pdf] [Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 417, fig. 3. 1789, but the genus is not described, and the art. 38.5 of Shenzhen Code (Melbourne Code art. 38.5, ICBN art. 42.1), descriptio generico-specifica, is not applicable. Species not recognizable. See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 305. 1875]


Reticularia chrysosperma Bull., Hist. champ. France 96 (1791) [see pdf] [Previously published by the same author in Herb. France, pl. 476, fig. 4. 1790, but the illustration does not suggest a myxomycete. (apud Lado, Cuad. Trab. Fl. Micol. Iber. 16:114. 2001)]


Stemonitis recutita (L.) J.F.Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1467 (1792) [see pdf] [Gmelin cites Clathrus recutitus L., Syst. Nat., ed. 12. 2:724. 1767. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:427. 1888, cites S. recutita "J. F. Gmel." as a synonym of A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Reticularia angulata Pers. ex J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1472 (1792) [see pdf] [Cited by S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 1:571. 1821, as synonym of Didymium difforme (Pers.) Gray and repeated by later authors. Identity doubtful]


Trichia furfuracea With., Bot. arr. Brit. pl., ed. 2, 3:479 ["476"] (1792) [see pdf] [Doubtful. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Trichia recutita With., Bot. arr. Brit. pl., ed. 2, 3:480 (1792) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:362. 1925, as doubtful. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7. 1888, indexes it, but on the page indicated, 444, "T. reticulata Grev." is the only Trichia with a comparable name cited. It is not cited elsewhere, so far as we have noted, and may be an error. Greville, Scot. Crypt. Fl., pl. 266. 1826, cites T. reticulata Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969)]


Trichia fulva With., Bot. arr. Brit. pl., ed. 2, 3:479 ["476"] (1792) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:230. 1925, as a possible synonym of Arcyria ferruginea Saut. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes, 167. 1969). Non T. fulva Purton, 1821]


Stemonitis nivea (Hoffm.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1467 (1792) [see pdf] [Gmelin cites Trichia nivea Hoffm., Veg. Crypt. 2:14, pl. 4 fig. l. 1790, which could be a pale Arcyria (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomyceted, 203. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 307. 1875]


Stemonitis coccinea (Bull.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus coccineus Bull., Hist. Champ. France:126. 1791, and Herb. France, pl. 368 fig. 1. 1787. Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:230. 1925, as a possible synonym of Arcyria incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Certainly not a Stemonitis in current usage (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 202. 1969). Nom. illeg., non S. coccinea Roth, 1788]


Stemonitis furfuracea J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Stemonitis graniformis (Hoffm.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia graniformis Hoffm., Veg. Crypt. 2:3, pl. 1 fig. 2. 1790. Doubtfulº, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Stemonitis olivacea (Bolton) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Clathrus olivaceus Bolton, Hist. Fung. Halifax 3:94, pl. 94 fig. II. 1789. Possibly a Didymium (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis semitrichioides J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Apparently based on Sphaerocarpus semitrichioides Bull., Hist. Champ. France 125. 1791, and Herb. France, pl. 387 fig. II. 1789, although Gmelin cites p. 124, and pl. 387 fig. I, which appears to be Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch) T. Macbr. Under his following species, S. cancellata (Batsch) J. F. Gmel., Gmelin reverses the references. S. semitrichioides is thus possibly a Trichia (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis antiades (Bull.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1469 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus antiades Bull., Hist. Champ. France 127, pl. 368 fig. 2. 1791. Certainly not a Stemonitis in current sense. A Physarum? (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis pyriformis (Bull.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1469 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus piriformis Bull., which is cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:447. 1888, as a synonym of Hemiarcyria clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. The same combination was used earlier by Willdenow, Fl. Berol. Prodr. 1787, and by Roth, Tent . Fl. Germ. 1788, and all are sometimes spelled piriformis by later authors. The name can legitimately be regarded as a cause of confusion (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Stemonitis turbinata (Bull.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1469 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus turbinatus Bull., Hist. Champ. France 130, pl. 417 fig. I. 1791, which is probably Craterium minutum (Leers) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis bombacina (Batsch) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1470 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Lycoperdon bombacinum Batsch. See comments under this species]


Stemonitis globularis J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1470 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus sessilis Bull., Hist. Champ. France 132, pl. 417 fig. 5. 1791. Suggests a Perichaena (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Stemonitis sulphurea J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1470 (1792) [see pdf] [Gmelin cites Wiggers No. 1153, which is Arcyria pyriformis F. H. Wigg., Prim. Fl. Holsat. 110. 1780 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis vesiculosa (Batsch) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1470 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Lycoperdon vesiculosum Batsch, Elench. Fung. Continuatio Prima 253. 1786 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 204. 1969). See comments under this species]


Stemonitis vitellina J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1470 (1792) [see pdf] [Gmelin cites Lycoperdon luteum Jacq., Misc. Austriac. 139, pl. 8, 1778 ["1777"], which is apparently a hypocreaceous fungus (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Reticularia ramosa J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1471 (1792) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. See Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969). Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 305. 1875, considered it as a synonym of R. stipitata Bull. See this species]


Lycoperdon aggregatum Lilj., Utkast Sv. fl. 355 (1792) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:439. 1888, as a synonym of Trichia fallax Pers. A later homonym of L. aggregatum Retz., 1769 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Stemonitis lichenoides (L.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Mucor lichenoides L.., Sp. pl. 2:1185. 1753. Probably a lichen]


Stemonitis sphaerocephala (Batsch) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Mucor sphaerocephalus Batsch, 1783. See comments under this species]


Reticularia ustilago J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1472 (1792) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. A smut. See Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum 7: 461.1888 ]


Trichia lichenoides Sibth., Fl. oxon. 406 (1794) [see pdf] [Possibly a lichen. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Trichia pyriformis (Bull.) Sibth., Fl. oxon. 406 (1794) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus piriformis Bull. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 265. 1875, as a synonym of Hemiarcyria clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969). See T. pyriformis (Bull.) DC.]


Diderma contortum Pers., Neues Mag. Bot. 1:89 (1794) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity]


Reticularia hemisphaerica Sowerby", Col. fig. Engl. fung. 1:pl. 12 (1795) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:367. 1888, as synonym of Chondrioderma michelii (Lib.) Rostaf. Sowerby made a clear reference to Bulliard as author of the species]


Mucilago reticulata Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. 2:pl. 12, fig. 2 (1796) [see pdf] ["1795"] [Cited by Saccardo, Cuboni & Mancini in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 6:330. 1888, as a synonym of Poria reticulata (Pers.) Fr., not a myxomycete]


Lycoperdon cylindricum With., Arr. Brit. pl., ed. 3, 4:376 (1796) [see pdf] [Cited by S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 1:574. 1821, as a synonym of Leocarpus parasiticus (With.) Gray (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Diderma contortum Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. 2:pl. 9, fig. 2a (1796) [see pdf] ["1795"] [Nom. illeg., non D. contortum Pers., 1794. Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:341. 1870, applied Hoffmann's name to Physarum bivalve Pers. That is the source of "D. contortum Fuckel" in the literature. The Hoffmann's illustration does not seem to correspond to Physarum bivalve Pers.]


Trichia olivacea With., Arr. Brit. pl., ed. 3, 4:398 (1796) [see pdf] [Doubtful. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 308. 1875]


Trichia alba With., Arr. Brit. pl., ed. 3, 4:398 (1796) [see pdf] [This appears to be the earliest use of the binomial. Aside from its use by Sowerby, we have found no reference to it (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 165. 1969)]


Trichia turbinata (Huds.) With., Arr. Brit. pl., ed. 3, 4:400 (1796) [see pdf] [Based on Clathrus turbinatus Huds., Fl. angl., ed. 2, 2: 632 (1778). Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:207. 1911, as possible synonym of T. favoginea (Batsch) Pers., in ed. 3:208. 1925, of T. varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. In both cases the combination is attributed to Sowerby. But Sowerby adopts Withering's name for the species he illustrates in his pl. 85. 1797. The name appears in numerous publications but it is impossible to say more than that it is a sessile Trichia (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969). The synonym with Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. is marked with a "?" by Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:93. 1976]


Physarum muscicola Pers., Observ. mycol. 1:6 (1796) [see pdf] [Recognized as distinct by Albertini & Schweinitz, Fries and Berlese (as Ph. muscicolum) in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:351. 1888. Persoon' s type, if still in existence, should be examined (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Lycogala argenteum Pers., Neues Mag. Bot. 1:87 (1797) [see pdf] ["argentea"] [This has been associated with Reticularia lycoperdon Bull., Lycogala flavofuscum (Ehrenb.) Rostaf. and other species. Pending reexamination of Persoon' s type, if it still exists, it must be regarded as a nomen confusum (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Trichia sphaerica Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:230 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:381. 1888, as a synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad.]


Trichia sphaerica var. polymorpha Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:230 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:347. 1888, as a synonym of Physarum sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm. ["Rostaf."]


Stemonitis carnea Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:222 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 275. 1875, as a synonym of Arcyria incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:237. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis globosa Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:222 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:237. 1925, as a doubtful synonym of Arcyria incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Stemonitis reticulata Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:223 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 199. 1874, as a doubtful synonym of Comatricha friesiana (de Bary) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Trichia cinerea Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:227 (1797) [see pdf] [Non T. cinerea Bull., 1791. Possibly not valid. Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:357.1888, as synonym of Craterium leucocephalum (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Ditmar (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Trichia filamentosa Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:227 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:47. 1925, as a synonym of Physarum nutans var. leucophaeum (Fr.) Lister (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Trichia alata Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:228 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:379. 1888, as a possible synonym of Didymium macrospermum Rostaf., now equated with D. squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:47. 1925, cites it as a doubtful synonym of Phys arum nutans Pers. But Ph. alatum (Trentep.) Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3:133. 1829, was based on this species and is cited by G. Lister, l. c. 118, as a possible synonym of D. squamulosum. The identity of T. alata Trentep. must, therefore, remain doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 165. 1969)]


Trichia hemisphaerica Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:228 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:47. 1925, as T. hemispheria, as possible synonym of Physarum nutans Pers. Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 157. 1874, cited it as a synonym of Didymium microcarpon (Fr.) Rostaf.]


Trichia rugosa Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:228 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 34, 309. 1874, as a doubtful synonym of Physarum affine Rostaf., but see Sluzowce Monogr. Suppl. 5. 1876 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Trichia coerulea Trentep., in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:229 (1797) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:12, 53. 1925, as possible synonyms of Physarum cinereum (Batsch) Pers.]


Trichia depressa Trentep.", in Roth, Catal. bot. 1:229 (1797)


Didymium parietinum Schrad., Nov. gen. pl. 24 (1797) [see pdf] [An ascomycete, Orbicula parietina (Schrad. ex Fr.) Hughes. See Hughes, Commonw. Mycol. Inst. Misc. Publ. 42:1-27. 1951 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Dictydium ambiguum Schrad., Nov. gen. pl. 13, pl. 4, fig. 2 (1797) [see pdf] [Probably a Cribraria. Only the stalks and lower portions of the peridia are shown in Schrader's figure. Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 230. 1875, cited it as a synonym of D. cernuum (Pers.) Nees, citing Nees's fig. 117, which probably does represent D. cancellatum (Batsch) T. Macbr., but does not agree with Schrader's figure or description of D. ambiguum. As noted by Meylan, Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 57:484. 1937, the application of the name must remain in doubt (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969)]


Dictydium venosum Schrad., Nov. gen. pl. 14. pl. 3. fig. 6 (1797) [see pdf] [See comments by Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:168. 1829. Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:179. 1925, as possible synonym of D. cancellatum f. anomalum (E. Jahn) G. Lister. Meylan, Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 59:484. 1937, discussed the question and concluded that the application of the name cannot be decided (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969)]


Didymium complanatum Schrad., Nov. gen. pl. 24 (1797) [see pdf] [Non D. complanatum (Batsch) Rostaf., Sluzowce Monogr. 151. 1874. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 164. 1874, as a synonym of D. confluens (Pers.) Rostaf., q.v. Transferred by Persoon, Syn. Meth. Fung. 168. 1801, to Diderma as D. complanatum (Schrad.) Pers. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:378. 1888, cited it as a synonym of Didymium crustaceum Fr.; G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:129. 1911, as a doubtful synonym of D. melanospermum (Pers.) T. Macbr. Schrader's description and pl. 5 fig. 5, suggest a Diderma (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969)]


Reticularia multicapsula Sowerby, Col. fig. Engl. fung. 2:[23] tab 179 (1799) [see pdf] [The description is vague and the figure indeterminate, but it could represent Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) J. F. Gmel., as cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:407. 1888. See Fries, Summa veg. Scand. 449. 1849 ["1848"] (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969) ]


Trichia polymorpha Sowerby, Col. fig. Engl. fung. 2:[24] tab. 180 (1799) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:230. 1925, as synonym of Arcyria ferruginea Saut. Sowerby's plate and accompanying "description" do not permit identification. Perhaps an Arcyria, but surely not A. ferruginea (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 308. 1875]


Trichia vulgaris Pers., Observ. mycol. 2:32 (1800) [see pdf] ["1799"] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:208. 1925, as a possible synonym of T. varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969)]


Spumaria physaroides Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:163 (1801) [see pdf] [Cited by Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 391. 1969, as a synonym of Didymium melanospermum (Pers.) T. Macbr., but in p. 369 say that may be Diderma spumarioides (Fr.) Fr.]


Diderma ramosum (J.F. Gmel.) Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:166 (1801) [see pdf] [Based on Reticularia ramosa J. F. Gmel. See comments under this species]


Diderma complanatum (Schrad.) Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:168 (1801) [see pdf] [See comments under Didymium complanatum Schrad.]


Physarum confluens Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:169 (1801) [see pdf] [See Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3:146. 1829. Probably includes several species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Trichia nigripes var. pyriformis (Bull.) Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:178 (1801) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus pyriformis Bull. See comments under Trichia pyriformis (Bull.) DC.]


Trichia nigripes var. vulgaris (Pers.) Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:179 (1801) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia vulgaris Pers. See comments under this species]


Cribraria coccinea Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:190 (1801) [see pdf] [Persoon cited Sphaerocarpus trichioides Bull., Hist. Champ. France 124. 1791, pl. 387 fig. 2. 1789. Probably a Cribraria but not otherwise recognizable (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969)]


Cribraria venosa (Schrad.) Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:191 (1801) [see pdf] [Based on Dictydium venosum Schrad., q.v. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969). See comments under this species]


Licea bicolor Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1:195 (1801) [see pdf] [An ascomycete, Orbicula parietina (Schrad. ex Fr.) Hughes. See Hughes, [Commonw. Mycol. Inst. Misc. Publ. 42:1-27] 1951 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Lycoperdon ferrugineum R.A. Hedw., Observ. bot. 1:pl. 10, fig. 1-4 (1802) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 262. 1875, as a synonym of Hemiarcyria rubiformis (Pers.) Rosaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Trichia alba Sowerby", Col. fig. Engl. fung. 3:[8] tab. 259 (1803) [see pdf] [Not published. Sowerby calls his species T. alba With. Neither his description nor his figure permit identification. Surely not Comatricha nigra (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) J. Schröt., as suggested by later authors, more probably a Didymium (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 165. 1969)]


Fuligo cerea Sowerby", Col. fig. Engl. fung. 3:pl. 399, fig. 4 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 369. 1875, as a synonym of F. varians Sommerf. An error for Reticularia cerea Sowerby, 1803]


Lycoperdon epidendrum Sowerby, Col. fig. Engl. fung. 3:[84] tab. 400, fig. 2-3 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:402. 1888, as an additional synonym of Brefeldia maxima (Fr.) Rostaf. Sowerby never intended this as a new name, nor do the figures cited suggest Brefeldia (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Lycoperdon echiniforme Sowerby, Col. fig. Engl. fung. 3:[84] tab. 400, fig. 1 (1803) [see pdf] ["echiniformis"] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:402. 1888, as a synonym of Brefeldia maxima (Fr.) Rostaf. This is extremely doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 303. 1875 ]


Physarum pyriforme Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:204 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 244. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia fallax Pers. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:439. 1888, spells epithet piriforme (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Lycoperdon ungulinum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:192 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 227. 1875, as a synonym of Enteridium olivaceum Ehrenb. Doubtful, according to G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:193. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Lycogala cinerea Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:193 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 302. 1875, as synonym of L. plumbea Schumach., and by Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:199. 1925, as a possible synonym of L. epidendrum (L.) Fr.]


Lycogala plumbeum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:193 (1803) [see pdf] ["plumbea"] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:436. 1888, as a synonym of L. epidendrum (L.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969)]


Spumaria alba Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:195 (1803) [see pdf] [Non S. alba (Bull.) DC, 1805. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 175. 1874, as a synonym of Chondrioderma spumarioides (Fr.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Spumaria granulata Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:196 (1803) [see pdf] [Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:61. 1925, cites a number of names which may or may not be synonyms of either Physarum conglomeratum (Fr.) Rostaf. or Ph. contextum (Pers.) Pers. Unless type or authentic material can be examined, they cannot be determined from the descriptions (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 295. 1969)]


Spumaria minuta Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:196 (1803) [see pdf] [Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:61. 1925, cites a number of names which may or may not be synonyms of either Physarum conglomeratum (Fr.) Rostaf. or Ph. contextum (Pers.) Pers. Unless type or authentic material can be examined, they cannot be determined from the descriptions (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 295. 1969)]


Diderma acuminatum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:198 (1803) [see pdf] [Doubtful. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 299. 1875 and G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:259. 1925]


Physarum cinerascens Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:199 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 154. 1874, as synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad.; D. melanospermum (Pers.) T. Macbr. of the present treatment (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Physarum globosum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:203 (1803) [see pdf] [Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:129. 1911, and ed. 3:47, 115. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 349. 1969). Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 154. 1874 cited it as synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad. ]


Physarum oxyacanthae Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:199 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 154. 1874, as synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad. Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Physarum villosum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:199 (1803) [see pdf] [Uncertain, Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 343. 1969)]


Physarum salicinum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:200 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 204. 1874, as synonym of Lamproderma columbinum (Pers.) Rostaf. Doubtful, see G. Lister., Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:155. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Physarum connatum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:202 (1803) [see pdf] [Noted as doubtful by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875, and by later authors. If validly published, it is an earlier homonym of Ph. connatum Ditmar, 1816]


Physarum solutum Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:204 (1803) [see pdf] [Basionym of Tilmadoche soluta (Schumach.) Fr., Summa Veg. Scand. 454. 1849. Both doubtful synonyms of Ph. nutans Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Physarum fimetarium Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:205 (1803) [see pdf] [Name rejected by Eliasson & Lunqvist, Bot. Not. 132:565-566. 1979, as a nom. dub.]


Trichia arcyriiformis Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:208 (1803) [see pdf] ["arcyriaeformis"] [Doubtful. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 307. 1875]


Trichia favoginea Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:207 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:442. 1888, as a synonym of T. varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. It is not certain that Schumacher intended this to be a new name. If so, it is a later homonym of T. favoginea (Batsch) Pers., 1794 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Trichia crassa Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:208 (1803) [see pdf] [Doubtful. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Trichia citrina Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:209 (1803) [see pdf] [Both Berlese and Lister suggest T. clavata Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Trichia physaroides Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:210 (1803) [see pdf] [Doubtful. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:262. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969) Kowalski, Mycologia 62(4):660. 1970, cited it as a possible synonym of Lamproderma columbinum (Pers.) Rostaf.]


Trichia purpurea Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:211 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:235. 1925, as a doubtful synonym of Arcyria denudata (L.) Wettst. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Arcyria vermicularis Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:212 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:245. 1911, as possible synonyms of A. oerstedii Rostaf. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:213 (1803) [see pdf] [Comb. superfl., previously proposed by Persoon, 1801]


Arcyria dentata Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:213 (1803) [see pdf] [Doubtful synonym of A. denudata (L.) Wettst., according to G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:240. 1911 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Arcyria melanocephala Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:214 (1803) [see pdf] [Possible synonym of A. denudata (L.) Wettst. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:240. 1911 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Arcyria umbrina Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:213 (1803) [see pdf] [A possible synonym of A. pomiformis (Leers) Rostaf., G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:238. 1911 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Arcyria rufa (Dicks.) Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:214 (1803) [see pdf] [A latter homonym of Arcyria rufa Wiggers. Based on Lycoperdon rufum Dicks., Fasc. Pl. Crypt. Brit. 1:35. 1785. Cited in G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:240. 1911, as possible synonym of A. denudata (L.) Wettst. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Arcyria cincta Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:215 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:235. 1925, as a possible synonym of A. denudata (L.) Wettst. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 410. 1969)]


Arcyria cylindrica Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:215 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited as a doubtful synonym of A. denudata (L.) Wettst. by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:235. 1925 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Stemonitis violacea Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:216 (1803) [see pdf] [Probably based on Stemonitis violacea Roth.]


Stemonitis globosa Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:217 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:141. 1925, as a possible synonym of Comatricha nigra (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) J. Schröt. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes, 203. 1969). Nom. illeg., non S. globosa Trentep., 1797]


Stemonitis nigra Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:217 (1803) [see pdf] [Probably not intended as new (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Cribraria didermoides Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:218 (1803) [see pdf] [Uncertain. Cited by Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:165. 1829, as the basionym of Dictydium didermoides (Schumach.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969)]


Cribraria onygena Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:219 (1803) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. Probably Phleogena decorticata (Schwein.) G. W. Martin, Phleogenaceae (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969)]


Cribraria stellata Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:218 (1803) [see pdf] [Doubtful. See Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 298. 1875 and Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:259. 1925]


Licea macrospora Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:219 (1803) [see pdf] [Cited by Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 459. 1848, as a synonym of his Lignyota umbrina Fr., q. v. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Sphaerocarpa operculata Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:220 (1803) [see pdf] [Schumacher says "An Sphaerocarpus turbinatus Bull. 5. 484, fig. 1?" q.v. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Arcyria minor Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:213 (1803) [see pdf]


Cribraria venosa var. flavescens Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 105 (1805) [see pdf] [See comments under Dictydium venosum Schrad.]


Cribraria venosa var. fuscescens Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 105 (1805) [see pdf] [See comments under Dictydium venosum Schard.]


Licea bicolor var. calcicola Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 107 (1805) [see pdf] [See comments under L. bicolor Pers.]


Licea bicolor var. lignatilis Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 107 (1805) [see pdf] [See comments under L. bicolor Pers.]


Licea strobilina Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 109, pl. 6, fig.3 (1805) [see pdf] [Believed to be a rust. See Berlese, in Sacc., Syll. Fung. 7:406. 1888. The species has been transferred as a myxomycete to Perichaena, Tubulina and Phelonitis. See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 301, 302. 1875 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Diderma difforme Alb. & Schwein.", Consp. fung. lusat. 90 (1805) [see pdf] [Cited by S. F. Gray, Nat. arr. Brit. pl. 571. 1821, as synonym of "Diderma muricola Link" (error for D. muscicola); by Fries, Syst. mycol. 3:109. 1829, as synonym of D. cyanescens (Fr.) Fr. Not listed by Albertini and Schweinitz under new species and their intent was obviously to refer to D. difforme Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Physarum confluens var. muscigenum Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 91 (1805) [see pdf] [See comments under Ph. confluens Pers.]


Physarum aurantium Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 94 (1805) [see pdf] [Cited by M. L. Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:158. 1976, as a possible synonym of Ph. pulcherripes Peck, 1873. In any case, a nom. illeg., non Ph. aurantium (Bull.) Pers., 1801, nec Ph. aurantium Schumach., 1803]


Physarum flavovirens Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 97 (1805) [see pdf] [As noted by Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:137. 1829, this is a "species dubie proposita," published as an addition to Ph. clavus Alb. & Schwein. It was regarded as doubtful by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875, and others, including G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 340. 1969)]


Trichia nigripes var. vulgaris (Pers.) Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 99 (1805) [see pdf] [Comb. superfl., previously proposed by Persoon, 1801. Based on T. vulgaris Pers., see comments under this species]


Trichia semicancellata DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:255 (1805) [see pdf] [Probably a Cribraria. Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 309. 1875 say see Sphaerocarpus semitrichioides Bull. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969)]


Trichia pyriformis (Bull.) DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:251 (1805) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus piriformis Bull., Hist. Champ. France:129. 1791, and Herb. France, pl. 417 fig. II. 1789. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 252. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Highly improbable. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:212. 1925, suggests T. decipiens (Pers.) T. Macbr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Trichia antiades (Bull.) DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:252 (1805) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus antiades Bull., Hist. Champ. France 127. 1791, and Herb. France, pl. 368 fig. 2. 1788 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969). See comments under Physarum antiades (Bull.) Fr.]


Trichia coccinea (Bull.) DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:255 (1805) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus coccineus Bull. Doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969). See comments under Stemonitis coccinea (Bull.) J. F. Gmel.]


Stemonitis fasciculata DC.", in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:256 (1805) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 196. 1874, as a synonym of S. ferruginea Ehrenb., and copied by later authors; de Candolle named Persoon as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Trichia reticulata DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., ed. 3, 2:256 (1805) [see pdf] [Non T. reticulata Pers., 1797. Possibly Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch) T. Macbr. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:262. 1911 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 309. 1875]


Physarum farinaceum var. depressa (Trentep.) Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 96 (1805) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia depressa Trentep., possibly a mistake for Trichia compressa Trentep.]


Reticularia rosea Cumino, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Turin, Sci. Phys. 13:259 (1805) [see pdf]


Reticularia maydis Cumino, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Turin, Sci. Phys. 13:258 (1805) [see pdf] ["mays"]


Reticularia straminea Cumino, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Turin, Sci. Phys. 13:259 (1805) [see pdf]


Licea psammitica Spreng., Fl. hal. tent. nov. 419 (1806) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity]


Trichia coccinea Poir., in Lamarck, Encycl. 8:54 (1808) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:179. 1925, as possible synonym of Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch) T. Macbr. Also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 307. 1875, cited it as "p. p." [see under] Sphaerocarpus trichoides Bull.]


Trichia semicancellata Poir.", in Lamarck, Encycl. 8:55 (1808) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 398. 1875, as including, with its varieties, Cribraria aurantiaca Schrad., C. tenella Schrad. and C. vulgaris Schrad. Poiret adopted T. semicancellata DC., 1805 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Trichia venosa (Schrad.) Poir., in Lamarck, Encycl. 8:55 (1808) [see pdf] [Non T. venosa Schumach., 1803. Based on Dictydium venosum Schrad., see comments under this species]


Tubulina bicolor (Pers.) Poir., in Lamarck, Encycl. 8:131 (1808) [see pdf] [An ascomycete, probably Orbilia parietina (Schrad. ex Fr.) Hughes (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 59. 1969). Based on Licea bicolor Pers.]


Arongylium atrum (Alb. & Schwein.) Link", Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):24 (1809) [see pdf] [Link published the combination only by inference in the paper cited, and Arongylium was a printer's error for Strongylium, corrected by Link in 1815. The actual combination was first published by Swartz in 1815, based on Lycogala atrum Alb. & Schwein., Consp. fung. lusat. 83. 1805 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 410. 1969)]


Dermodium inquinans Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):25 (1809) [see pdf] ["Demordium"] [May have referred to Brefeldia maxima (Fr.) Rostaf. or to an Amaurochaete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 171. 1969). Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:402. 1888, attribute it to Fries. See Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:13. 1966]


Demordium Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):25 (1809) [see pdf] [Typographical error for Dermodium]


Diderma muscicola Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):26 (1809) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 155. 1874, as synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 374. 1969). Doubtful]


Leangium physaroides Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):26 (1809) [see pdf] [Said by author to be intermediate between Leangium and Physarum. Not identifiable from description (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 374. 1969)]


Physarum clavus Link", Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):27 (1809) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 135. 1874, as a synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad. Link wrote D. clavus Alb. & Schwein. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Physarum griseum Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):27 (1809) [see pdf] [Variously cited as a synonym of Ph. didermoides (Pers.) Rostaf., Ph. compressum Alb. & Schwein. and Ph. cinereum (Batsch) Pers. Perhaps the last. See Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:126. 1829 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Physarum sulcatum Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):27 (1809) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 127. 1874, as a synonym of Tilmadoche nutans (Pers.) Rostaf. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:47. 1925, makes it a doubtful synonym of Ph. nutans Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Physarum confluens Spreng., Observ. bot. fl. hal. 29 (1811) [see pdf] [This may have been intended as a reference to Ph. confluens Pers., but Persoon is not cited, and the very brief diagnosis suggests that may not be the case (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Lycoperdon coccineum Raf., J. Bot. appl. (Desvaux) 1(5):237 (1813) [see pdf] [Listed by Fischer in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:132. 1888, among doubtful species. The very brief description suggests Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Pittocarpium flavum Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:41 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [An aethalioid growth, possibly not a myxomycete. Both Nees, Syst. Pilze 1816, and Fries, Syst. Mycol. 1829, regarded the genus and species as doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875 ]


Dermodium Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:41 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [Uncertain identity. See Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:13. 1966]


Didymium trichodes Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:42 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [According to Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:386. 1888, a discomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Physarum connexum Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:42 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [Link's name has been associated with other species, particularly Ph. leucophaeum Fr., but its identity must remain uncertain (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 316. 1969)]


Physarum elongatum Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:43 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [Doubtful, see Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304. 1875]


Physarum purpurascens Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:43 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [Doubtful, see Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304 ["383"]. 1875 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Physarum hypnorum Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:43 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 113. 1874, as synonym of Ph. leucophaeum Fr. Rostafinsky cites Link's 1809 paper incorrectly (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Didymium muscicola Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:42 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 299. 1875, as doubtful. Probably an error for Diderma muscicola Link, 1809]


Physarum connatum Ditmar, in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., Abt. 3, Die Pilze Deutschlands 1(3):83 (1816) [see pdf] [See comments under Ph. connatun Schumach.]


Cionium farinaceum (Schrad.) Nees, Syst. Pilze 114 (1816) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:377. 1888, as a synonym of Didymium squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr., citing Nees's pl. 9 fig. 106B. Nees's name is based on Physarum farinaceum (Schrad.) Pers., generally believed to be the species here listed as Didymium melanospermum (Pers.) T. Macbr., but the figure does suggest D. squamulosum (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969). Comb. superfl., previously proposed by Link, 1809]


Dichosporium aggregatum Nees, Syst. Pilze 105 (1817) [see pdf] [Probably not a myxomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 413. 1969). See comments of Rostafinsky, Suzowce monogr. 299. 1875]


Dichosporium Nees, Syst. Pilze 105 (1817) [see pdf] [Probably not a myxomycete. See Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:14. 1966]


Trichia pedicellata Poir.", in Lamarck, Encycl. suppl. 5:373 (1817)


Lignydium reniforme Fr. & Lindgr., Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 2 :10 (1817) [see pdf] [Also cited by Rostafinski as a synonym of Physarum gyrosum Rostaf., is cited in the Lister monograph as doubtful under both Ph. gyrosum and Ph. muscorum (Alb. & Schwein.) Berl. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 266. 1969)]


Perichaena strobilina (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. & Lindgr., Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 2 :11 (1817) [see pdf] [Based on Licea strobilina Alb. & Schwein., which was probably a rust. Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:191. 1829, cites Greville's plate 275, which supports this view (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Licea serpula Fr. & Lindgr., Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 2 :12 (1817) [see pdf] [Is cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:404. 1888, as a definite, and in the second and third editions of the Lister monograph as a possible synonym of L. variabilis Schrad. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 52. 1969)]


Perichaena quercina Fr. & Lindgr., Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 2 :12 (1817) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:250. 1911, as a possible synonym of P. corticalis (Batsch) Rostaf., but P. chrysosperma (Curr.) Lister would be equally possible (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 117. 1969)]


Strongylium minus Fr. & Lindgr., Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 2 :9 (1817) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 155. 1874, as synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:381. 1888, repeats citation, but writes "S. minor Fries." Application doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Trichia alba Purton, Bot. descr. Brit. pl. 2:719 (1817) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 156. 1874, as synonym of Didymium microcarpon (Fr.) Rostaf., which is probably D. nigripes (Link) Fr. Possibly not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 165. 1969)]


Lycogala plumbeum Fr. & Lindgr., Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 2 :11 (1817) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., previously proposed by Schumacher, 1803. Probably a synonym of L. epidendrum (L.) Fr. or Dictydiaethalium plumbeum (Schumach.) Rostaf.]

Trichia turbinata Purton, Bot. descr. Brit. pl. 2:719 (1817) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:443. 1888, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) Lam. & DC. Possibly not validly published]


Didymium linkii Fr. & Palmquist, Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 3 :19 (1818) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 299. 1875, as see Leangium physaroides Link, and doubtful]


Arcyria fusca Fr. & Palmquist, Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 3 :17 (1818) [see pdf] [Cited by Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:240. 1911, as doubtful synonym of A. denudata (L.) Wettst. But see Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:179. 1829, and Killerman, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 54:556, pl. 37a. 1936 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Didymium contextum var. conglomeratum Fr. & Palmquist, Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 3 :20 (1818) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:342. 1888, an error for var. glomerulosum (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969)]


Stemonitis decipiens Nees, Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 16:95 (1820) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:137. 1925, as a possible synonym of S. herbatica Peck (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 202. 1969)]


Diderma muricolum Link", in Gray, Nat. arr. Brit. pl. 1:571 (1821) [see pdf] [Typographical error for D. muscicola Link, with change in declension (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 374. 1969)]


Trichia ramosa (J.F. Gmel.) Mérat, Nouv. fl. env. Paris, ed. 2, 1:117 (1821)


Trichia articulata DC." ex Mérat, Nouv. fl. env. Paris, ed. 2, 1:118 (1821)


Agaricus platypus Bisch.", Bot. Kunstsprache tab.VII, fig. 166 (1822) [see pdf] [Cited by Hazslinszky, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 27:83. 1877, as basionym of Didymium platypus (Bisch.) Hazsl. Name not found in the Bischoff's publication ]


Pecila peleteri Lepell., Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris 1822:109 (1822) [see pdf] [Probably a myxomycete, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26. 1966]


Tipularia fulva Chevall., J. Phys. Chim.Hist. Nat. Arts 94:58 (1822) [see pdf] [Doubtful, see comments under the genus Tipularia Chevall., 1822]


Tipularia Chevall., J. Phys. Chim.Hist. Nat. Arts 94:58 (1822) [see pdf] [Stated by the author to be close to Licea, but the description does not sound like a myxomycete (apud Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:30-31. 1966). Nom. illeg., non Tipularia Nutt., 1818. ]


Stemonitis fascicularis Eaton, Man. bot., ed. 3, 480 (1822) [see pdf] [Attributed to Persoon in preface. Probably an error for S. fasciculata Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 202. 1969)]


Phlebomorpha Pers., Mycol. eur. 1:61 (1822) [see pdf] [Is a myxomycete plasmodium, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26-27. 1966. See also Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:70. 1829]


Phlebomorpha rufa Pers., Mycol. eur. 1:61, pl.6, figs.1-2 (1822) [see pdf] [Is a myxomycete plasmodium, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26-27. 1966. See also Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:70. 1829]


Phlebomorpha lutea Pers., Mycol. eur. 1:61 (1822) [see pdf] [Is a myxomycete plasmodium, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26-27. 1966. See also Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:70. 1829]


Phlebomorpha lurida Pers., Mycol. eur. 1:61 (1822) [see pdf] [Is a myxomycete plasmodium, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26-27. 1966. See also Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:70. 1829]


Phlebomorpha caerulea Pers., Mycol. eur. 1:62 (1822) [see pdf] [Is a myxomycete plasmodium, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26-27. 1966. See also Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:70. 1829]


Craterium leucocephalum Desm., Cat. pl. omises botanogr. Belgique 27 (1823) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 119. 1874, as synonym of C. vulgare Ditmar; by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:355. 1888, of C. pedunculatum Trentep. It is doubtful whether Desmazières' binomial was published as new (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 274. 1969)]


Craterium leucocephalum Grev.", Scott. crypt. fl. 2(13):pl.65 (1823) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 121. 1874, as synonym of C. minutum (Leers) Fr. Greville's figure may represent that species, but he published it as C. leucocephalum (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Ditmar (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 274. 1969)]


Stemonitis sphaerica Desm., Cat. pl. omises botanogr. Belgique 27 (1823) [see pdf]


Dictydium coccineum (Pers.) Schltdl., Fl. berol. (Berlin) 2:163 (1824) [see pdf] [Based on Cribraria coccinea Pers.,1801. See comments under this species]


Reticularia versicolor Fr., Syst. orb. veg. 147 (1825) [see pdf] [Fuller description in Syst. Mycol. 3:90. 1829, with no reference to earlier publication. Lindbladia versicolor (Fr.) Rostaf. in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk 27-28:68. 1873, is based on this and Licea glomerulifera de Bary. & Rostaf., and L. olivacea Fuckel, 1873 are cited as synonyms. Both have been referred to Reticularia olivacea (Ehrenb.) Fr. and this may be correct (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Trichia operculata Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:324 (1826) [see pdf] [Chevallier cited between their synonyms Sphaerocarpus coccineus Bull. and T. coccinea (Bull.) DC.]


Dictydium trichioides (Bull.) Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:327 (1826) [see pdf] [" C.] ["trichiodes"] [Based on Sphaerocarpus trichiodes Bull. See comments under this species]


Cribraria badia Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:328 (1826) [see pdf] [The description does not permit recognition (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969)]


Physarum sphaeroidale (Bull.) Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:339 (1826) [see pdf] [Based on Reticularia sphaeroidalis Bull, see comments under this species]


Physarum stipitatum (Bull.) Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:339 (1826) [see pdf] [Based on Reticularia stipitata Bull., see comments under this species]


Phelonitis suberea Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:345 (1826) [see pdf] [Probably not a myxomycete]


Phelonitis Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:345 (1826) [see pdf] [Probably not a myxomycete. Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 303. 1875 suggest a Licea]


Diderma lobatum Sommerf., Suppl. Fl. lapp. 240 (1826) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:116. 1925, as possible synonym of Didymium nigripes var. xanthopus (Ditmar) Lister (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 374. 1969)]


Physarum globosum Sommerf., Suppl. Fl. lapp. 243 (1826) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 128. 1874, as synonym of Tilmadoche gracilenta ( Fr.) Rostaf. May not have been published as new, if it was, it is a later homonym of Ph. globosum Schumach., 1803 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 340. 1969)]


Craterium difforme Fr., Stirp. agri femsion. 5:83 (1827) [see pdf] [Listed in Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 298. 1875, as uncertain]


Cionium senegalense Spreng., Syst. veg. 4(1):529 (1827) [see pdf] [Not recognizable from description. Lycoperdon axatum Bosc cited as a synonym (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Trichia badia Fr., Stirp. agri femsion. 5:83 (1827) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:440. 1888, as synonym of T. fallax Pers. Fries, Stirp.agri femsion., 83 (1827), named this species but not described it. ]


Physarum hypnophilum Fr., Stirp. agri femsion. 5:83 (1827) [see pdf] [Fries, Stirp. agri femsion., 83 (1827), mentioned this species but not described it. Not recognizable from description in Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3: 140 (1829). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 304 (1875) ]


Trichia applanata Hedw., in de Candolle, Organogr. Veg. 2:288, pl. 60, fig. 1 (1827) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:442. 1888, as a synonym of T. varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Physarum botryoides var. flavovirens (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr., Stirp. agri femsion. 5:83 (1827) [see pdf] [See comments under Ph. flavovirens Alb. & Schwein.]


Cribraria capillaris Fr., Stirp. agri femsion. 5:84 (1827) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:177. 1925, as possible synonym of C. microcarpa (Schrad.) Pers. ]


Licea spadicea Fr., Stirp. agri femsion. 5:84 (1827) [see pdf] [Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:197 (1829), mentioned this species as "L. serpula s. spadicea Fries, Symb. Gast. p. 12". See comment under L. serpula]


Physarum contextum Spreng., Syst. veg. 4(1):526 (1827) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:443. 1888, as a synonym of Trichia chrysosperma (Bull.) DC., T. favoginea (Batsch) Pers. of the present treatment. In any case a nom. illeg., non Ph. contextum (Pers.) Pers., 1801]


Licea inquinans Spreng., Syst. veg. 4(1):524 (1827) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 372. 1875, without reference, as a possible synonym of Amaurochaete atra (Alb. & Schwein.) Rostaf. Presumably based on Dermodium inquinans Link (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Cionium carolinense Spreng, Syst. veg. 4(1):529 (1827) [see pdf] [Not recognizable from description. Lycoperdon transversarium Bosc, cited as synonym (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Cionium physaroides (Link) Spreng., Syst. veg. 4(1):529 (1827) [see pdf] [Based on Leangium physaroides Link, q.v. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969). See comments under this species]

Arcyria albipes Opiz, Beitr. Naturg. Naturalient. 12:659 (1828)


Physarum pini Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):130 (1829) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non Ph. pini Schumach., 1803]


Arcyria cinerea (Schumach.) Hornem., Fl. dan. 11(33):13, tab. 1975 (1829) [see pdf] ["vix Pers." refers to Fries "n. 4" which is A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers. in the modern sense. He cites Schumacher "1.c. p. 19", n. v. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Trichia ramulosa F. Rudolphi, Linnaea 4:119 (1829) [see pdf] [Basionym of Arcyria ramulosa (F. Rudolfi) Wigand, 1863. Wigand speaks of the capillitium as completely smooth, and this is shown in his illustration, pl. 3 fig. 17. The original description, as quoted, does not apply to either Trichia or Arcyria. The species was reported from Peru and may represent a new genus (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 308. 1875]


Diderma stipitatum (Bull.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):104 (1829) [see pdf] [See comment under Reticularia stipitata Bull.]


Diderma depressum Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):108 (1829) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 172. 1874, as synonym of Chondrioderma michelii (Lib.) Rostaf. Questioned by Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa 79. 1894, and later editions of monograph (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Diderma trichodes (Link) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):108 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on Didymium trichodes Link, a discomycete according to Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:386. See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 301. 187 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 374. 1969)]


Didymium weinmannii Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):121 (1829) [see pdf] ["weinmanni"] [Application regarded as uncertain from Rostafinski, to present time (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Physarum striatum Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):131 (1829) [see pdf] [Described with three varieties, citing several older names. According to Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 130. 1874, one of these is Ph. viride (Bull.) Pers. In the index, page 385, he cites Ph. striatum Fuckel as a synonym of Ph. leucophaeum Fr., but Fuckel named Fries as the author. Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 243. 1892, cites it as a synonym of Didymium elegantissimum Massee, but on a completely inadequate basis. At least two and probably more species are included. Only examination of type material can determine application (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Physarum alatum (Trentep.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):132 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia alata Trentep. See comments under this species]


Physarum antiades (Bull. ) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):135 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on Sphaerocarpus antiades Bull., Hist. Champ. France 127. 1791, and Herb. France, pl. 368 fig. II. 1788. Probably a Physarum, but not recognizable specifically (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 338. 1969)]


Physarum piceum Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):143 (1829) [see pdf] [Doubtful, see Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 383. 1875 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Physarum confluens Fr.", Syst. mycol. 3(1):146 (1829) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 164. 1874, as a synonym of Didymium effusum Link "Excl. syn.!" Fries published this as Ph. confluens Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 169. 1801, but on the same page Rostafinsky, cites Persoons combination as a synonym of Didymium confluens (Pers.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Stemonitis ferruginea Fr.", Syst. mycol. 3(1):158 (1829) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 3:138. 1825, as a synonym in part, of S. flavogenita E. Jahn, Fries named Ehrenberg as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969)]


Stemonitis pumila Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):159 (1829) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity. Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 392. 1875, says "p. p." [see under] Stemonitis fusca Roth. at index but not cited in the text. Doubtful]


Dictydium didermoides (Schumach.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):165 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on Cribraria didermoides Schumach., q.v. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969). See comments under this species]


Dictydium trichioides (Bull.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):166 (1829) [see pdf] [Comb. superfl., previously proposed by Chevallier, 1826. Based on Sphaerocarpus trichioides Bull., see comments under this species ]


Dictydium micropus Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):167 (1829) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:411. 1888, as synonym of D. venosum Schrad., it self doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 299. 1875]


Arcyria punicea var. vermicularis (Schumach.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):178 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on A. vermicularis Schumach. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:245. 1911, cited both the species and the variety as possible synonyms of A. oerstedii Rostaf. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Arcyria cinerea Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):180 (1829) [see pdf] [Not A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers. according to Berkeley and Broome, who applied the name A. friesii Berk. & Broome to it. Fries cites Trichia cinerea Bull. and Arcyria albida Pers., both of which are now regarded as referring to A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers. On page 179, Fries cites A. cinerea Pers., Syn. Meth. Fung. 179. 1801, as a synonym of A. fusca Fr., quoting Albertini & Schweinitz as authority. Arcyria cinerea Fr. is clearly a later homonym of A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers., applied to what is now regarded as the same species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Licea badia Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):198 (1829) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. An ascomycete?, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:259. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969). Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 301.1875 say see Phelonitis Chevall.]


Reticularia ungulina (Schumach.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):89 (1829) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:410. 1888, as a synonym of Enteridium olivaceum Ehrenb. Doubtful. See Fl. Dan. 11 (33):14 , pl. 1977 fig. 2. 1829 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969). Based on Lycoperdon ungulinum Schumach.]


Arcyria trichioides F. Rudolphi, Linnaea 4:120 (1829) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:447. 1888, as a synonym of Hemiarcyria clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969). Nom. illeg., a later homonym of A. trichioides Corda, 1838]


Lycogala parietinum (Schrad.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):83 (1829) [see pdf] [An ascomycete, Orbicula parietina (Schrad. ex Fr.) Hughes (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969). Based on Didymium parietinum Schrad.]


Licea suberea (Chevall.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):198 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on Phelonitis suberea Chevall. Probably not a myxomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Didymium ramosum Duby, Bot. gall., ed. 2, 2:859 (1830) [see pdf] [Duby suggests it may be Diderma ramosum (J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Probably not valid, Shenzhen Code art. 36.1 (Melbourne Code art. 36.1, ICBN art. 34.1). G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:259. 1825, says probably a fungus. See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 301, 305. 1875]


Arcyria coccinea (Bull.) Duby, Bot. gall., ed. 2, 2:857 (1830) [see pdf] [Indentity doubtful. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 410. 1969). Name based on Sphaerocarpus coccineus Bull. and Trichia coccinea (Bull.) DC. Comb. superfl. previously proposed by Gray, 1821. See comments under Stemonitis coccinea (Bull.) J. F. Gmel.]


Trichia faginea Johnst., Fl. Berwick-upon-Tweed 2:191 (1831) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. According to D. P. Rogers in litt., what is now called Solenia anomala (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 307. 1875]


Lycogala miniatum Johnst., Fl. Berwick-upon-Tweed 2:188 (1831) [see pdf] ["miniata"] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:436. 1888, as a synonym of L. epidendrum (L.) Fr.]


Lycogala fuliginosa Johnst., Fl. Berwick-upon-Tweed 2:189 (1831) [see pdf] ["Lycogola"] [Probably a small, dark form of L. epidendrum (L.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969)]


Physarum elegans Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):257 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 115. 1874, suggests that it may be a Badhamia. Both Berlese and Massee recognize it under Physarum but add nothing to the original description. It is rejected as doubtful in the second and third editions of the Lister monograph. The type should be studied (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 340. 1969)]


Physarum luteovalve Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):257 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Not recognizable from description (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Physarum polyaedron Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):257 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [An ascomycete, Argynna polyhedron (Schwein.) Morgan (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Perichaena vaporaria Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):258 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Cited by G. Lister., Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:246. 1925, as a possible synonym of P. corticalis (Batsch) Rostaf. but it could equally well be P. chrysosperma (Curr.) Lister]


Licea epiphylla Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):259 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Probably a myxomycete, but not recognizable from description; probably not a Licea (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Licea nitens Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):259 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:246. 1925, as possible synonym of Perichaena corticalis ( Batsch) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Trichia angulata Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):259 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Identity not known (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Trichia difformis Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):259 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Not recognizable from description (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Trichia miniata Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):259 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Description suggests a phase of Metatrichia vesparium (Batsch) Nann.-Bremek. ex G. W. Martin & Alexop. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Trichia punctulata Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):259 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [The description suggests a Perichaena (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Phlebomorpha arbuscula Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4(2):288 (1832) [see pdf] ["1834"] [Probably not a myxomycete, see comments under genus Phlebomorpha]


Reticularia testacea Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:340 (1833) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:436. 1888, as synonym of Lycogala flavofuscum (Ehrenb.) Rostaf. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:198. 1925, "doubtful" (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Licea pannorum Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:344 (1833) [see pdf] [Probably Orbicula parietina. See Hughes, [Commonw. Mycol. Inst. Misc. Publ. 42:1-27] 1951 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Licea sulfurea Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:344 (1833) [see pdf] [Probably Orbicula parietina. See Hughes, [Commonw. Mycol. Inst. Misc. Publ. 42:1-27] 1951 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Licea quercina (Fr. & Lindgr.) Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:344 (1833) [see pdf] [May refer to Perichaena corticalis (Batsch) Rostaf. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:246, 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Physarum cancellatum Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:351 (1833) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 140. 1874, as a synonym of Badhamia hyalina (Pers.) Berk. [now B. capsulifera (Bull.) Berk.]. Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2. 31. 1911 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Didymium melanopus Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:367 (1833) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 102. 1874, as in part a synonym of Physarum cinereum (Batsch) Pers. A later homonym of D. melanopus (Fr.) Fr., 1829 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969)]


Didymium hemisphaericum Wallr.", Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:369 (1833) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:377. 1888, as a synonym of D. squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. Not published as new. Wallroth published this as D. hemisphaericum (Bull.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969)]


Arcyria carnea Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:383 (1833) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. A Stilbella?, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:259. 1925 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 124, 138. 1969)]


Arcyria straminea Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:383 (1833) [see pdf] [According to Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:429. 1888, a synonym of A. nutans (Bull.) Grev. [A. obvelata (Oeder) Onsberg of the present treatment]. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:236. 1911, listed it as a doubtful synonym of A. cinerea (Bull .) Pers. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Ceratium ferrugineum Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:305 (1833) [see pdf] [Probably based on Hydnum ferruginosum Fr. ["Pers."]. A fungus]


Ceratium floccosum Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:304 (1833) [see pdf] [Probably a synonym of Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (O.F. Müll.) T. Macbr.]


Ceratium virescens Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. 2:305 (1833) [see pdf] [Probably a synonym of Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (O.F. Müll.) T. Macbr.]


Lycogala funium R. Lesson, Fl. rochefort. 574 (1835) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete, probably an Heterobasidiomycete, see Cacialli & Ferrari, Il Micologo 43(136):4. 2013]


Diderma nitens Klotzsch, in Smith, Engl. fl., ed. 2, 5(2):311 (1836) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:371. 1888, as "D. nitens Klotsch in Hook. Herb.; Engl. Fl., v., p. 312", a reference to Berkeley in Smith, Engl. fl. ed. 2, 5(2):311-312. 1836, as synonym of Chondrioderma difforme (Pers.) Rostaf., Didymium difforme (Pers.) Gray of the present treatment]


Physarum rubiginosum Berk., in Smith, Engl. fl., ed. 2, 5(2):315 (1836) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. Suppl. 4. 1876, as synonym of Badhamia dictyospora Rostaf., with "non Chevall." specifically added. If proposed by Berkeley as new, the name had already been preempted by both Chevallier and Fries (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Didymium sowerbyi Berk., in Smith, Engl. fl., ed. 2, 5(2):313 (1836) [see pdf] ["sowerbeii"] [Based on Sowerby's pl. 412 fig. 3 of a Trichia, and the accompanying text, which tells very little. The brief diagnosis in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:385. 1888, adds nothing. The name, however, is probably valid (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Cribraria intermedia Berk., in Smith, Engl. fl., ed. 2, 5(2):318 (1836) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non Cribraria intermedia Schrad., 1797. Cited by Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:173. 1925, as synonym of C. vulgaris Schrad. ]


Diderma globosum Berk.", in Smith, Engl. fl., ed. 2, 5(2):312 (1836) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7(1):378. 1888. Berlese cited Berkeley as author, an error, Berkeley attributed it to Persoon]


Didymium hemisphaericum Berk., in Smith, Engl. fl., ed. 2, 5(2):312 (1836) [see pdf] [Non D. hemisphaericum (Bull.) Fr., 1829. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 172. 1874, as a synonym of Chondrioderma michelii (Lib.) Rostaf. Berkeley may not have intended it as new. At any rate all are now included in Diderma hemisphaericum (Bull .) Hornem. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Diderma nanum Fr.", in Weinmann, Hymen. Gasteromyc. 577 (1836)


Didymium nanum Fr., in Weinmann, Hymen. Gasteromyc. 577 (1836) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 299. 1875, as uncertain (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Arcyria nutans var. exigua Bong., in Weinmann, Hymen. Gasteromyc. 609 (1836) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:428. 1888, as a synonym of A. adnata (Batsch) Rostaf., A. incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. of the present treatment]


Arcyria nutans var. minor Bong., in Weinmann, Hymen. Gasteromyc. 609 (1836) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:429. 1888, as a synonym of A. nutans (Bull.) Grev., A. obvelata (Oeder) Onsberg of the present treatment]


Diachea fulgens Fr., in Weinmann, Hymen. Gasteromyc. 611 (1836) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity. See Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 191. 1874; and Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:104. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 413. 1969)]


Aethalium melaenum Chevall., Fung. Byss. ill. 1:pl. 32 (1837) [see pdf] [Probably Lindbladia tubulina Fr. Chevallier's (unpaged) description, and the figure, make it more than doubtful whether it can be assigned to Lindbladia (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 74. 1969)]


Trichia craterioides Corda, Icon. fung. 2:21 (1838) [see pdf] [Non T. craterioides G. W. Martin, 1962. Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:212. 1911, as a definite synonym of T. varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers., possibly because Corda's figure shows 2-3 spirals on the elaters. In other respects it does not fit that species satisfactorily and its identity must remain uncertain, pending examination of Corda's material if it is still in existence (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Physarum fasciculatum Jungh., Praem. fl. crypt. Java 11 (1838) [see pdf] [The basionym of Badhamia fasciculata (Jungh.) Rostaf., Sluzowce Monogr. Suppl. 2. 1876. Both cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:52. 1925, as doubtful synonyms of Ph. reniforme (Massee) G. Lister (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 340. 1969)]


Didymium plicatum Corda, Icon. fung. 3:17 (1839) [see pdf] [Corda's pl. 3 fig. 47 suggests an imperfect fungus (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 299. 1875]


Endodromia vitrea Berk., Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3(18):79 (1840) [see pdf] [According to Höhnel, Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Cl. Abt. 1, 123:97. 1914, closely related to or identical to Echinostelium minutum de Bary. This needs verification (Lado, Cuad. Trab. Fl. Micol. Iber. 16:100. 2001)]


Endodromia Berk., Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3(18):79 (1840) [see pdf] [Described with the species Endodromia vitrea Berk., according to Höhnel, Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Cl. Abt. 1, 123:97. 1914, closely related to or identical to Echinostelium minutum de Bary. This needs verification]


Didymium reticulatum Bisch., Handb. bot. Termin. 2:958, fig. 3621 (1842) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 91. 1874, as "Kryptogamenkunde f. 3621", and as a synonym of Cienkowskia reticulata (Alb. & Schwein.) Rostaf.]


Arcyria decipiens Berk., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 1 9:447 (1842) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non A. decipiens Pers., 1795. Placed by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:221. 1925, in her Hemitrichia clavata complex. Since it came from Brazil, it is probably H. stipitata [= H. calyculata (Speg.) M. L. Farr] (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Dichosporium album Corda, Icon. fung. 5:56 (1842) [see pdf] [Probably not a myxomycete. See Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 298. 1875]


Stemonitis pumila Corda", Icon. fung. 5:59, pl.3, fig. 57 (1842) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 198. 1874, as a synonym of Comatricha typhina (F. H. Wigg.) Rostaf. "p. p." in idex, and copied by later authors. Neither the illustration nor the description justify this. Corda made no such combination. He be lieved, with some reservation, he was dealing with S. pumila Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Arcyria viridis Zoll., Natuur-Geneesk. Arch. Ned.-lndië 1:377 (1844) [see pdf] [Description, reprinted in Flora 3:300. 1847, suggests a small, bright green Arcyria, not unlike A. glauca Lister (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 410. 1969)]


Stemonitis subclavata Zoll., Natuur-Geneesk. Arch. Ned.-Indië 1:377 (1844) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:139. 1925, as a possible synonym of S. smithii T. Macbr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Leocarpus nitens Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 450 (1849) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:371. 1888, as possible synonym of Chondrioderma difforme (Pers.) Rostaf., Didymium difforme (Pers.) Gray of the present treatment. Possibly based on Diderna nitens Klotzsch., in Smith, 1836 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 246. 1969)]


Leocarpus minutus (Schumach.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 451 (1849) [see pdf] [Based on Spumaria minuta Schumach., Enum. Pl. 2:196. 1803. Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:61. 1925, as doubtful synonym of Physarum conglomeratum (Fr.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 246. 1969)]


Perichaena suberea (Chevall.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 459 (1849) [see pdf] [Based on Phelonitis suberea Chevall. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Leocarpus cyanescens (Fr.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 450 (1849) [see pdf] [Probably based on Didymium cyanescens Fr.]


Leocarpus granulatus (Schumach.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 451 (1849) [see pdf] [Based on Spumaria granulata Schumach., see comments under this species]


Physarum aureum Fr.", Summa veg. Scand. 453 (1849) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese, in Saccardo, Syll. fung 7:360. 1888. Not valid. Fries, [Summa veg. Scand. 453. 1849], cited Persoon (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Physarum coccineum Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 453 (1849) [see pdf] [Based on Ph. nutans var. coccineum Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3:129. 1829; cited in the Summa Veg. Scand. as a synonym of Ph. aureum Fr.; by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 130. 1874, of Ph. mutabile (Rostaf.) G. Lister. Validity of Fries's binomial doubtful (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Tilmadoche soluta (Schumach.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 454 (1849) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum solutum Schumach., see comments under this species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 343. 1969)]


Arcyria glomerata Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 457 (1849) [see pdf] [Without description but with citation of Trichia circumscissa Wallr. Evidently intended as change of name. Cited in Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:248. 1911, as possible synonym of Perichaena chrysosperma (Curr.) Lister (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Lignyota nigra Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 459 (1849) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. Suppl. 17. 1876, as a synonym of Chondrioderma liceoides Rostaf., now a synonym of Didymium difforme (Pers.) Gray (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Lignyota umbrina Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 459 (1849) [see pdf] [Identity not known. See Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 228. 1875 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 416. 1969)]


Phelonitis strobilina (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand. 459 (1849) [see pdf] [Based on Licea strobilina Alb. & Schwein. Probably a rust (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969). See comments under this species]


Didymium daedaleum Berk. & Broome, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2 5:366 (1850) [see pdf] [G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:56. 1925, gives an extended discussion of this species, which she thought was probably Physarum gyrosum Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Didymium liquidum Payer, Bot. crypt., ed. 1, 122, fig. 576 (1850) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 299. 1875, as doubtful ]


Hystricapsa trochiformis Preuss, Linnaea 24:140 (1851) [see pdf] [See Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 18:797. 1906. Probably not a myxomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Arcyria denudata Fr., Nov. symb. mycol. 1(1):135 (1851) [see pdf] [If it is demonstrated that they are distinct species, this name is an earlier homonym of A. denudata (L.) Wettst., 1886]


Physarum truncatum Brond., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. 17:298 (1851) [see pdf] [According to Cacialli & Ferrari, Il Micologo 43(136):6. 2013, close to Physarum compresum Alb. & Schwein.]


Licea berteroana Mont., in Gay, Fl. chil. 8:20 (1852) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. An ascomycete? See Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 301. 1875]


Badhamia fulvella Berk., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 2:200 (1852) [see pdf] [The identity is uncertain]


Laterradea strobilina (Alb. & Schwein.) Brond., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. 18:265 (1852) [see pdf] [See comments under Licea strobilina Alb. & Schwein.]


Licea laterradii Brond., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. 18:266 (1852) [see pdf] [Doubtful]


Trichia expansa Mart., Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 7(1):224 (1853) [see pdf] [Cited by Martius as Trichia (Hemiarcyria) expansa. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:230. 1925, cited it as a doubtful synonym of Arcyria ferruginea Saut. ]


Licea brunnea Preuss, Linnaea 26:709 (1853) [see pdf] [Listed, with description, by Schröter, Krypt.-Fl. Schles. 3(1):102. 1885. Not recognizable from Schröter's description (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Licea incarnata Preuss, Linnaea 26:709 (1853) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 301. 1875 as doubtful. A later homonym of L. incarnata Alb. & Schwein.]


Reticularia maxima Corda", Icon. fung. 6:14, pl.2, fig.35 (1854)


Leocarpus melaleucus Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. 4 3:141 (1855) [see pdf] [Cited incorrectly by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:347. 1888, as "L. melaleucus Gay" and as a synonym of Ph. sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm. [as "Rostaf."], Ph. bivalve Pers. of the present treatment (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 246. 1969). Cited also by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 142.1874, as a synonym of Ph. sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm.]


Didymium australe Berk., in Hooker, Fl. nov.-zel. 2(2):191 (1855) [see pdf] [Non D. australe Massee, 1888. Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:378. 1888, as synonym of D. squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr., and again, p. 384, as uncertain, but possibly D. farinaceum Schrad. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 400. 1969)]


Arcyria grisea Opiz", Lotos 5:215 (1855)


Trichia erythropus I.G. Borshch., Fungi ingr. (1857)


Trichamphora pezizoides Berk.", Intr. crypt. bot. 335 (1857) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 16. 1876, "non Jungh!" as synonym of Chondrioderma berkeleyanum Rostaf.]


Trichia obtusa Wigand, Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 3:30 (1863) [see pdf] [Included by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:221. 1925, in Hemitrichia clavata complex (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Trichia turbinata Wigand", Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 3:31 (1863) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 398. 1875, as synonym of T. varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. Wigand cited Withering as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969)]


Cribraria candida Rabenh., in Loscos & Pardo, Ser. inconf. pl. Aragon. 126 (1863) [see pdf] [Validly published but probably not a myxomycete (Lado, Ruizia 9:89. 1991)]


Arcyria lateritia de Bary, Mycetozoen, ed. 2, 21 (1864) [see pdf] [Not formally and probably not validly described. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 279. 1875, as synonym of A. ferruginea Saut., "p. p." in index (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Didymium leucopus de Bary", Mycetozoen, ed. 2, 9 (1864) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 159. 1874, as a synonym of D. squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. There is no suggestion that de Bary intended this to refer to a new species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Arcyria adonis Fuckel, Fungi Rhenani Exsiccati Cent. IX-XIV 9-14: 14, Fung. Rhen. no 1111 (1864)


Physarum album Fuckel, Fung. Rhenani exs. No. 1459 (1865)


Arcyria ferruginea Fuckel, Hedwigia 5(1):16 (1866) [see pdf] [Cited by Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 127. 1969, as Fckl. 1870. It is a clear reference to Fuckel. Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:337. 1870 ["1869"]. This name is validly published but illegitime, non A. ferruginea Saut., 1841, according to Lado, Cuad. Trab. Fl. Micol. Iber. 16:90. 2001]


Physarum albipes de Bary", Z. Wiss. Zool. 10:95 (1866)


Stemonitis elegantula P. Karst., Not. Sällsk. Fauna Fl. Fenn. Förh 9:354 (1868) [see pdf] [Probably a Lamproderma]


Trichia anomala P. Karst., Not. Sällsk. Fauna Fl. Fenn. Förh 9:354 (1868) [see pdf] [See comments under Cornuvia anomala (P. Karst.) P. Karst.]


Trichia contorta G.H. Otth, Mitth. Naturf. Ges. Bern 654-683:62 (1869) [see pdf] [Probably a prioritary name over T. contorta (Ditmar) Rostaf., 1875 ]


Reticularia affinis Berk. & M.A. Curtis, in Berkeley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 10:347 (1869) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. Trichosporium curtisii Massee, J. Mycrosc. 5:185. 1889. Dematiaceae (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 70. 1969)]


Reticularia atrorufa Berk. & M.A. Curtis, in Berkeley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 10:347 (1869) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. Trichosporium curtisii Massee, J. Mycrosc. 5:185. 1889, Dematiaceae (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, 70. 1969). Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:41. 1976, comments: Type C. Wright 534 (FH) Type]


Reticularia pyrrhospora Berk., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 10:347 (1869) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. Trichosporium pyrrhosporium (Berk.) Massee, J. Mycrosc. 5:185. 1889. Dematiaceae (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Reticularia venulosa Berk. & M.A. Curtis, in Berkeley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 10:347 (1869) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. Trichosporium curtisii Massee, J. Mycrosc. 5:185. 1889 (Dematiaceae). "R. venosa" Sacc., Syll. Fung. 7:419. 1888, is an error (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Didymium pruinosum Berk. & M.A. Curtis, in Berkeley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 10:348 (1869) [see pdf] [Cited by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 288. 1892, as a synonym of Physarum leucophaeum Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Diderma citrinum Peck", Annual Rep. New York State Mus. 22:89 (1869) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 3:42. 1925, of course, had not intention of publishing it as new at that time (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 302. 1969)]


Cribraria vulgaris var. candida (Rabenh.) Amo, Fl. crypt. Peníns. Ibérica 583 (1870) [see pdf] [Based on Cribraria candida Rabenh. Validly published but probably not a myxomycete]


Diderma contortum Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:341 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 3:58. 1925, as a synonym of Physarum sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm. (= Physarum bivalve Pers.). Fuckel mentioned Hoffman as the author of this species. Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:125. 1976, included Diderma contortum [Hoffmann] sensu Fuckel under Physarum bivalve Pers. ]


Licea olivacea Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:338 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited as synonym of Lindbladia versicolor (Fr.) Rostaf. in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nass. Ver. Nat. 27-28:68. 1873. This was not based on Enteridium olivaceum Ehrenb., although it has been cited as a synonym of that species. The earlier description suggests E. olivaceum but not the later reference (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Stemonitis morthieri Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:339 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited as synonym of Lamproderma arcyrioides (Sommerf.) Rostaf. by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:393. 1888; of L. violaceum var. sauteri (Rostaf.) Lister by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:157. 1925. Scarcely L. sauteri Rostaf. as here treated (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Diderma deplanatum Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:341 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 179. 1874, as synonym of Chondrioderma calcareum (Link) Rostaf. Not validly published. Fuckel cited Fries as author. See Fuckel's correction, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 27-28:74. 1873 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Didymium complanatum Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:341 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 183. 1874, as synonym of Chondrioderma radiatum (L.) Rostaf. Not validly published. Fuckel cited Fries as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969)]


Didymium squamulosum Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:341 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:380. 1888. Not so published; Fuckel cited authors as (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. A misidentification, corrected by Rostafinsky in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nass. Ver. Nat. 27-28:73. 1874, to D. fuckelianum Rostaf., now again regarded as included in D. squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Craterium minutum Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:342 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:356. 1888, as synonym of C. nutans Fr. "Excl. syn." Fuckel referred his material to C. minutum (Leers) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 274. 1969)]


Physarum confluens Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:342 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 151. 1874, as synonym of Didymium complanatum (Batsch) Rostaf. Fuckel cited his specimen as Ph. confluens Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 169. 1801 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Physarum licea Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:342 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 208. 1875, as a synonym of Lamproderma fuckelianum Rostaf. Fuckel cited Ph. licea Fr. In correcting the reference (l. c. 27-28:69. 1873), the specific epithet was spelled "lycea", an obvious error (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Physarum anceps de Bary, in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:343 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Fuckel cites Fungi Rhenani Exs. No. 1460. 1865, which may have included a description. Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 103. 1874, as a synonym of Ph. virescens Ditmar (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Physarum flavum Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:343 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 99. 1874, as a synonym of Ph. schumacheri Spreng., and copied by later authors, but Fuckel correctly cited Fries as the author of the combination (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 340. 1969)]


Physarum virescens Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:343 (1870) [see pdf] ["1869"] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 101. 1874, as a synonym of Ph. sulphureum Alb. & Schwein. Fuckel cited Ditmar as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Craterium minutum Cooke", Fung. brit. exs. No. 525 (1872)


Badhamia capsulifera Cooke, Fung. brit. exs. No. 526 (1872)


Didymium costatum Fuckel", Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 25-26:339 (1872) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 161. 1874, as synonym of D. macrospermun Rostaf.; Fuckel names Fries as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969). An error for D. costatum Fr.]


Badhamia incarnata Oudem., Ned. Kruidk. Arch., ser. 2 1(2):166 (1872)


Badhamia carnea Oudem., Ned. Kruidk. Arch., ser. 2 1(2):166 (1872) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. A fungus, possibly a Tubercularia, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:259. 1925 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 262. 1969)]


Diderma farinaceum Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1:63 (1873) [see pdf] [Cited by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 233. 1892, as synonym of Didymium spumarioides Fr., 1818, non Fries, 1829, here regarded as a synonym of Diderma spumarioides (Fr.) Fr., 1829. See also Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:367. 1888 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Diderma pallidum Berk. & M.A. Curtis, in Berkeley, Grevillea 2:52 (1873) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 112. 1874, as a synonym of Physarum sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm., followed by later authors. In the reference given Berkeley cited it as a synonym of the same species, which he called Angioridium sinuosum (Bull.) Grev. Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 306. 1892 also cited it, but only to exclude it explicitly from the synonymy of that species. So far as we can discover, never validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 374. 1969)]


Spumaria micheneri Berk., Grevillea 2:52 (1873) [see pdf] [Identity uncertain. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:389. 1888 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 419. 1969)]


Physarum curtisii Berk.", Grevillea 2:65 (1873)


Reticularia apiospora Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14:82 (1873) [see pdf] ["1875"] [Not a myxomycete. Trichosporium apiosporum (Berk. & Broome) Massee, J. Mycrosc. 5:186. 1889. Dematiaceae (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 70. 1969)]


Reticularia fuliginosa Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14:82 (1873) [see pdf] ["1875"] ["apparently a fungus.", see Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Didymium zeylanicum Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14(74):84 (1873) [see pdf] ["1875"] [Nom. illeg., non Didymium zeylanicum Berk., 1854 ]


Trichia thwaitesii Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14:86 (1873) [see pdf] ["1875"] [Included by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:447. 1888, in the Hemiarcyria clavata complex (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969)]


Chondrioderma friesianum Rostaf., in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 27-28:74 (1873) [see pdf] [Originally said to be close to Diderma testaceum (Schrad.) Pers.; later referred to other species as a possible synonym. Uncertain (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Stemonitis heterospora Oudem., Ned. Kruidk. Arch., ser. 2 1(3):253 (1873) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:398. 1888, as synonym of S. ferruginea Ehrenb.(apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 203. 1969)]


Lindbladia versicolor (Fr.) Rostaf., in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 27-28:68 (1873) [see pdf] [See comments under Reticularia versicolor Fr.]


Perichaena picea Berk. & Broome, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4 11:345 (1873) [see pdf] [Not a Myxomycete. Probably a Pyrenomycete. See Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:423. 1888 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 117. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 303. 1875]


Reticularia polyporiformis Berk., in Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14:352 (1874) [see pdf] ["1875"] ["a fungus", see Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:261. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Physarum coelatum Ehrenb. in herb." ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 102 (1874) [see pdf] [Cited as a synonym of Ph. cinereum (Batsch) Pers. Not validlly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Physarum sinuosum Wallr." ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 102 (1874) [see pdf] [Cited as synonym of Ph. cinereum. Wallroth, Fl. crypt. Germ. 349. 1833, cited Fries as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Physarum clavus Ehrenb. in herb." ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 114 (1874) [see pdf] [Non Ph. clavus Alb. & Schwein., 1805. Not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Physarum xanthopus Wallr. in sched." ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 123 (1874) [see pdf] [Not validly published. Mentioned in connection with Craterium xanthopus Wallr., now equated with C. leucocephalum (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Ditmar. Non Ph. xanthopus (Ditmar) Schwein., 1832 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 343. 1969)]


Physarum cinereum Schumach. in herb." ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 127 (1874) [see pdf] [Cited as synonym of Tilmadoche nutans (Pers.) Rostaf. Non Ph. cinereum (Batsch) Pers., 1794. Not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Chondrioderma spumarioides var. carcerina Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 175 (1874) [see pdf] [Rostafinski's pl. 8 figs. 142-145, show globose sporangia not immersed in the hypothallus, which suggests Diderma globosum Pers., but that is far from certain (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 411. 1969)]


Chondrioderma stahlii Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 185 (1874) [see pdf] [Recognized by Berlese, Cooke and Massee, but descriptions might apply to various species. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa 88. 1894, said it suggested a form of C. radiatum (L.) Rostaf. See also G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:97.1925 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Physarum sinuosum Rostaf.", Sluzowce monogr. 112 (1874)


Badhamia fulvescens Cooke, Grevillea 4:69 (1875) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. The 2nd and 3rd editions of the Lister monograph state that according to Cooke it is a perisporiaceous fungus (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 262. 1969)]


Reticularia lenticularis Mont. in herb. " ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 225 (1875) [see pdf] [Cited in synonymy of Clathroptychium rugulosum (Wallr.) Rostaf. Not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Aethalium geophilum Peck, Annual Rep. New York State Mus. 28:54 (1876) [see pdf] ["1875"] [Probably Hyphelia terrestris Peck, an imperfect fungus (Farr, Int. J. Mycol. Lichenol. 3:200. 1988)]


Perichaena decipiens Berk. & Broome, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4 17:140 (1876) [see pdf] [Compared with P. strobilina (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr., of which it may be a synonym. Probably a rust (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 117. 1969)]


Badhamia irregularis Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 5:89 (1876) [see pdf] [Not recognizable from description (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 262. 1969)]


Badhamia fasciculata (Jungh.) Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 2 (1876) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum fasciculatum Jungh., Crypt. Java 11. 1838. Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:52. 1924, as possible synonym of Ph. reniforme (Massee) G. Lister. Uncertain identity. Possibly Ph. compressum Alb. & Schwein. of the present treatment (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 262. 1969)]


Lamproderma leucosporum Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 26 (1876) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:156. 1925, as a possible synonym of L. violaceum Fr. ex Rostaf. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:393. 1888, cites L. nigrescens (Rostaf.) Rostaf. non Sacc. as a synonym of L. leucosporum, but regards L. nigrescens Sacc. non Rostaf. as distinct, and includes neither under L. arcyrionema Rostaf. or L. violaceum (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 221. 1969). See also Kowalski, Mycologia 62(4):636. 1970]]


Lamproderma minutum Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 26 (1876) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:156. 1925, [and Kowalski, Mycologia 62(4):624. 1970], as possible synonym of L. violaceum Fr. ex Rostaf. and L. arcyrionema Rostaf.]


Physarum canum Klotzsch", in Hook herb. ex Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 4 (1876) [see pdf] [Not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Ophiotheca bicolor Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 15:84 (1876) [see pdf] ["1877"] [Possibly a fungi]


Ophiuridium rugulosum Hazsl.", Bot. Jahresber. (Just) 5:155 (1877)


Physarum chlorinum Cooke, Grevillea 5:101 (1877) [see pdf] [Although Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969, suggest a possible identity of this taxon with Ph. viride (Bull.) Pers., Cooke's habit sketch shows pulvinate, sessile sporangia. These and the color stated are the only tangible clues in the diagnosis and it seems more like ly that Ph. chlorinum is conspecific with Ph. auriscalpium Cooke (apud Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:173. 1976)]


Didymium platypus (Bisch.) Hazsl., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 27:83 (1877) [see pdf] [Based on Agaricus platypus Bisch., "Bot. Taf. VII. f. 166" n.v.. Cited in Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:118. 1925, as possible synonym of Didymium squamulosum (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969). The name Agaricus platypus Bisch., Bot. Kuntsprache, Taf. VII fig. 166. 1822, not found in this publication]


Physarum ornatum Peck, Annual Rep. New York State Mus. 31:40 (1878) [see pdf] ["1879"] [Both, Lister and Hagelstein, cited it as a possible synonym of Ph. oblatum T. Macbr. Hagelstein examined what is left of the type and found only stalks remaining. It must, therefore, be regarded as a doubtful species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 319. 1969)]


Stegasma pallidum Ces., Atti Accad. Sci. Fis. 8(3):12 (1879)


Cornuvia anomala (P. Karst.) P. Karst., Bidrag Kännedom Finlands Natur Folk 31:131 (1879) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia anomala P. Karst., Nat. Saellsk. Fl. Fenn. 9:354. 1868. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa 182. 1894, suggested it might be an irregular form of Trichia scabra Rostaf. and it was doubtfully referred to that species in the later editions of th e Lister monograph. Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 135. 1892, transferred it to Ophiotheca, citing both of Karstens names (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 142. 1969)]


Trichia pyriformis (Scop.) P. Karst., Bidrag Kännedom Finlands Natur Folk 31:138 (1879) [see pdf] [Based on Mucor pyriformis Scop. See comments under this species]


Cribraria straminiformis Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 10:26 (1880) [see pdf] [So cited by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 335. 1892, as synonym of Tilmadoche gyrocephala (Mont.) Rostaf., i. e. Physarum polycephalum Schwein. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 92. 1969)]


Rostafinskia australis Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 10:151 (1880) [see pdf] [Also spelled "Rostafinsckia". Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:281. 1976, comments that the type specimen (LPS 31466) is a hyphomycete]


Rostafinskia Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 10:151 (1880) [see pdf] [Probably a hyphomycete, see Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:281. 1976]


Hemitrichia pusilla Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 12(3-6):257 (1881) [see pdf] [Cited by Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:101. 1976, who considered it a doubtful species]


Stemonitis fluminensis Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 12:255 (1881) [see pdf] [Both the type and an authentic collection (LPS 31. 486) contain only stipes, but judged from the sketches, this myxomycete was most certainly a species of Comatricha (Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:279. 1976)]


Cornuvia leocarpoides Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 12:256 (1881) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:226. 1911, as synonym of Hemitrichia clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. The description suggests that this may be H. stipitata [= H. calyculata (Speg.) M. L. Farr] (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 142. 1969)]


Trichia heterotricha Balf.f., in Cooke, Grevillea 10:117 (1882) [see pdf] [Regarded by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:209. 1925, as an incompletely developed form of her T. contorta complex (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969)]


Tilmadoche cavipes Berk., Grevillea 11:39 (1882) [see pdf] [Uncertain; Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:362. 1888 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 343. 1969)]


Cribraria mutabilis Quél., in Guillaud, Forquignon & Merlet, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bordeaux et Sud-Ouest 3(2):43, 100 (1884) [see pdf]


Arcyrella similis Racib., Rozpr. Spraw. Posiedzen Wydz. Mat.-Przyr. Akad. Umiejetn 12:81 (1884) [see pdf] [Cited as synonym of Arcyria affinis Rostaf., q.v., by Krzemieniewska., Sluzowce Polsk. 263. 1960 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]

Arcyria irregularis Racib.", (1884)


Stemonitis lilacina Quél., in Guillaud, Forquignon & Merlet, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bordeaux et Sud-Ouest 3(2):43, 100 (1884) [see pdf]


Arcyria lilacina Quél., Assoc. Franç. Avancem. Sci. 13:284, pl. XIII ["VIII"], fig. 16 (1885) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non A. lilacina Schumach., 1803]


Perichaena microcarpa J. Schröt., in Cohn, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3(1):108 (1885) [see pdf] ["1889"] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:250. 1911, as possible synonym of P. corticalis (Batsch) Rostaf. If P. microcarpa Saut. was validly published, and if both names refer to the same thing, Schroeter's name is invalid (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 117. 1969)]


Chondrioderma mutabile J. Schröt., in Cohn, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3(1):123 (1885) [see pdf] ["1889"] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:90. 1925, as a possible synonym of Diderma deplanatum Fr. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Didymium hypnophilum Massee, J. Roy. Microscop. Soc. London ser.2, 5:757 (1885) [see pdf] [Cited by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 224. 1892, as synonym of D. squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969)]


Amaurochaete speciosa Zukal, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 35:335 (1886) [see pdf] [Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:399. 1888, as a synonym of A. tubulina (Alb. & Schwein.) T. Macbr.; by Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa 110. 1894, and by G. Lister in eds. 2 and 3 of the same, as a definite synonym of Stenonitis fusca var. confluens Lister (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 175. 1969)]


Trichia chrysosperma var. turbinata ("Huds.") Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 22(4):188 (1886) [see pdf] [See comments of Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:95. 1976, under T. turbinata (Bolton) With.]


Licea guaranitica Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 22:187 (1886) [see pdf] [Cited by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 39. 1892, as basionym of Tubulina guaranitica Roum., Fungi Sel. Gallici Exs. No. 5196. 1890, q.v. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969). Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:28. 1976, comments "Not a myxomycete, the type (LPS 31. 372) is a stilb ellaceous hyphomycete"]


Physarum ochraceum Hoffm.", in Schröter, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3(1):130 (1886)


Badhamia microcarpa J. Schröt., in Cohn, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3(1):131 (1886) [see pdf] ["1889"] [Perhaps a small-spored form of B. foliicola Lister, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:13, 1925 (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 262. 1969)]


Physarum citrinellum Fr. ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:343 (1888) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 36.1 (Melbourne Code art. 36.1, ICBN art. 34.1). Cited as a synonym of Ph. flavum Fr. ]


Physarum durieui Mont. ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:357 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 125. 1874, as synonym of Craterium aureum (Schumach.) Rostaf. Not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 340. 1969). Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 36.1 (Melbourne Code art. 36.1, ICBN art. 34.1)]


Lycogala minutum Sacc. & Paol, Atti Real Ist. Veneto. Sci. Lett. Arti 6:5, pl. 5, fig. 1 (1888)


Enteridium antarcticum Speg., Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. 11(2):277 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:193. 1925, as a possible synonym of E. olivaceum Ehrenb. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Didymium ossicola Pat. & Gaillard, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 4:95 (1888) [see pdf] [Doubtful. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:259. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Licea spumarioidea Cooke & Massee, in Cooke, Grevillea 16:74 (1888) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. Sepedonium chrysospermum according to Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:193. 1911 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Trichia fragilis f. botrytis Ellis & Everh., N. Amer. Fungi No. 2098 (1888)


Badhamia utricularis var. melaleuca (Nyl.) Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:332 (1888) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum melaleucum Nyl., see comments under this species]


Licea alba Bong. in herb." ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:338 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited as a synonym of Physarum lividum Rostaf. Non L. alba Nees, 1823. Not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 52. 1969)]


Physarum weinmannii Fr. var. in litt.," ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:344 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited as synonym of Ph. cinereum (Batsch) Pers. Probably an error for Didymium weinmanni Fr. In any event, not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 343. 1969)]


Didymium obrusseum Sacc.", Syll. fung. 7:346 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited in Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 247. 1892, as a synonym in part, of D. tenerrimum Berk. & M.A. Curtis, q.v. Berlese in the reference cited, wrote D. obrusseum "(Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Rostaf." (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Angioridium valvatum Fr." ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:347 (1888) [see pdf] [Is likewise a myth. Fries, Syst. mycol. 3, Index 51. 1832, merely suggested that Diderma valvatum Fr. and Physarum sinuosum (Bull.) Weinm. might be synonyms of A. sinuosum (Bull.) Grev. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 289. 1969)]


Physarum subglobosum Berk. & M.A. Curtis" ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:352 (1888) [see pdf] [Clearly based on an error, as pointed out by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 300. 1892. The reference is to Ph. chrysotrichum Berk. & M. A. Curtis, Grevillea 2:66. 1873 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Craterium aureum Fuckel" ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:356 (1888) [see pdf] [Probably an error (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 412. 1969). Fuckel, in Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 23-24: 342 (1870) mentioned Craterium minutum ß aureum ]


Physarum subulatum Sacc., Myc. Ven. spec. " ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:357 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited as a synonym of Craterium leucocephalum (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Ditmar. Probably not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Tilmadoche minuta (J.J. Kickx) Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:361 (1888) [see pdf] [Based on Craterium minutum J. J. Kickx. Non C. minutum (Leers) Fr., 1821. The synonymy given is that of Physarella oblonga (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Morgan and the description might well apply to that species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 343. 1969)]


Reticularia granulosa Oerst. msc." ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:408 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited in synonymy of Lindbladia effusa (Ehrenb.) Rostaf. Not validly published (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Perichaena pallida (Ces.) Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:422 (1888) [see pdf] [Based on Stegasma pallidum Ces., Atti Accad. Sci. Fis. 8(3):12. 1879. Listed under doubtful species in Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 118. 1892 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 117. 1969)]


Arcyria elongata Bong. in herb." ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:439 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited in synonymy. Probably not validly published. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Hemiarcyria pusilla (Speg.) Berl., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:450 (1888) [see pdf] [Based on Hemitrichia pusilla Speg. See comments under this species]


Physarum citrinum Sacc.", Syll. fung. 7:340 (1888) [see pdf] [Cited by Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 275. 1892, as a synonym of Ph. schumacheri Spreng., and in p. 278, of Ph. melleum (Berk. & Broome) Massee, pro parte. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 7:340. 1888, wrote Ph. citrinum Schumach. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Tubulina guaranitica (Speg.) Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 26:60 (1888) [see pdf] [Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 39. 1892, cites Roumeguère, Fungi Selecti Gallici Exs. No. 5196. 1890. Spegazzini, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent., 22:187. 1886, published it earlier as Licea? guaranitica Speg. Massee thought it a myxomycete attacked by a mold. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:262. 1925, said it was a hyphomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 421. 1969). Based on Licea guaranitica Speg.]


Arcyria similis (Racib.) Racib. ex Berl., in Saccardo, Syll.fung. 7:429 (1888) [see pdf] [See comments under Arcyrella similis Racib.]


Cornuvia minutula Speg., Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. 11(4):476 (1889) [see pdf] [The type specimen (LPS 31. 489) contains only immature, hard, stipitate sporangia of a Trichia or Hemitrichia sp. Spegazzini's sketches and annotations suggest H. calyculata (Speg.) M. L. Farr or H. clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. (Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:280. 1976)]


Chondrioderma puiggari Speg., Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. 11(4):475 (1889) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:92. 1925, as possible synonym of Diderma simplex (J. Schröt.) G. Lister (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Lamproderma staszycii Racib., Hedwigia 28:116 (1889) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:155. 1925, [and Kowalski, Mycologia, 62(4):660. 1970] as a possible synonym of L. columbinum var. brevipes G. Lister and quite unlike those of any other species of the genus (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 221. 1969)]


Lamproderma tatricum Racib., Hedwigia 28:117 (1889) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:156. 1925, as possible synonym of L. violaceum Fr. ex Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 222. 1969). See also Kowalski, Mycologia, 62(4):636. 1970]


Tubulina guaranitica Roum., Fung. selecti gallici exs. No. 5196 (1890)


Hemiarcyria varneyi Rex, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 43:396 (1891) [see pdf] [A member of the Hemitrichia clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. group according to the Lister monograph (apud Martin & Alxopoulos, Myxomycetes 154. 1969)]


Halterophora fulva (Chevall.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 2:855 (1891) [see pdf] [Based on Tipularia fulva Chevall., see comments under H. fulva Endl. Doubtful]


Lachnobolus incarnatus T. Macbr.", Bull. Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat.Hist. 2(2):126 (1892) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 3:241. 1925. Macbride assigned his specimens to L. incarnatus (Alb. & Schwein.) J.Schröt. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 415. 1969)]


Lycogala ochraceum Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 125 (1892) [see pdf] [Not a myxomycete. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969)]


Lycogala rufocinnamomeum Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 125 (1892) [see pdf] ["rufo-cinnamomeum"] [A fungus. See G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969)]


Ophiotheca anomala (P. Karst.) Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 135 (1892) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:211. 1911, as possible synonym of Trichia scabra Rostaf. See comment under Cornuvia anomala (P. Karst.) P. Karst. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 117. 1969)]


Arcyria calyculata Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 162 (1892) [see pdf] [Probably a Hemitrichia close to H. calyculata (Speg.) M. L. Farr (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Arcyria leocarpoides (Speg.) Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 167 (1892) [see pdf] [Based on Cornuvia leocarpoides Speg. Probably Hemitrichia stipitata [= H. calyculata (Speg.) M. L. Farr] (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969)]


Arcyria pusilla (Speg.) Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 168 (1892) [see pdf] [Based on Hemitrichia pusilla Speg., q. v. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969). See comment under this species]


Didymium dealbatum Berk. & M.A.Curtis" in herb. Berck. n. 10756, Monogr. Myxogastr. 208 (1892)


Didymium radiatum Massee", Monogr. Myxogastr. 229 (1892) [see pdf] [Cited in Lister monograph as in part a synonym of D. clavus (Alb. & Schwein.) Rabenh. Not validly published. Massee attributed his name to Berk. & M.A. Curtis (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 402. 1969)]


Lepidoderma obovatum Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 254 (1892) [see pdf] [G. Lister in the second and third editions of the monograph, cited Massee's species as a doubtful synonym of Diderma trevelyanii (Grev.) Fr. As noted by Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa 107. 1894, the figures given by Massee refer to other species [Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 407. 1969]. Kowalski, Mycologia 63(3):514. 1971, say that the figs. 45-47, strongly resemble Lepidoderma tigrinum (Schrad.) Rostaf.]


Lepidoderma kurzii Berk. ex Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 255 (1892) [see pdf] [Listed as doubtful by Massee, on basis of Berkeley's notes, since specimen was not found. G. Lister in second and third editions of Lister monograph, cited it as a possible synonym of Physarum tenerum Rex (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 407. 1969)]


Tilmadoche anomala Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 333 (1892) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2:67. 1911, as a doubtful synonym of Physarum nutans Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 343. 1969)]


Tubulina spumarioidea (Cooke & Massee) Cooke & Massee, in Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 42 (1892) [see pdf] [Based on Licea spumarioidea Cooke & Massee. Not a myxomycete (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 59. 1969)]


Physarum auriscalpium T. Macbr.", Bull. Iowa Univ. Lab. Nat.Hist. 2(2):158 (1892) [see pdf] [Cited in Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa 59. 1894, as synonym of Ph. virescens Ditmar; by G. Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 2:84. 1911, as of Ph. virescens var. nitens Lister. Macbride cited Cooke as author (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339. 1969)]


Cribraria tenella f. genuina L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):23 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Badhamia citrinella L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):76 (1893) [see pdf] [According to Lister & G. Lister, J. Bot. 40:211. 1902, this is a form of Physarum auriscalpium Cooke. In the light of more recent studies this must be regarded as doubtful (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 262. 1969)]


Cribraria argillacea var. genuina L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):25 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Trichia affinis var. genuina L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):33 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Trichia inconspicua var. genuina L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):36 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Trichia intermedia var. genuina L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):39 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Stemonitis fusca var. genuina L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):47 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Comatricha dictyospora L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):49 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. dub. See Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes, 277. 1969, and Farr, Int. J. Mycol. Lichenol. 3(1/2):205. 1988. Drozdowicz et. al., Biodiv. Polland 10:63. 2003, cited it as a synonym of Stemonitopsis reticulata (H. C. Gilbert) Nann.-Bremek. & Y. Yamam.]


Didymium microcarpum var. genuinum L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):60 (1893) [see pdf] ["microcarpon"] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Didymium macrospermum var. genuinum L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):63 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Physarum cinereum f. genuinum L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):71 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Craterium leucocephalum f. genuinum L.F. Celak., Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen 7(5):79 (1893) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Perichaena gregata Fautrey & Lamb., in Fautrey, Rev. Mycol. (Toulouse) 16:161 (1894) [see pdf] [Dubious identification]


Comatricha obtusata Lister", Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 1, 117 (1894) [see pdf] [Cited in the second and third editions of the Lister monograph. Not validly published. Lister cited Preuss as author of the name (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 241. 1969)]


Chondrioderma frustulosum Pat., in Patouillard & Lagerheim, Bull. Herb. Boissier 3(2):61 (1895) [see pdf] [Brief description in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 11:464. 1895. Cited in editions 2 and 3 of Lister monograph as doubtful synonym of Diderma globosum Pers. Uncertain (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 373. 1969)]


Reticularia nitens Morgan, J. Cincinnati Soc. Nat.Hist. 18(1-2):40 (1895) [see pdf] [G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:. 1925, suggests that this may be either Stemonitis confluens Cooke & Ellis (p. 136), which seems doubtful, or Amaurochaete cribrosa (Fr.) T. Macbr. (p. 165), which is perhaps less doubtful. Morgan' s specimen is not in the IA collection (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 71. 1969)]


Licea schoenleinii Johow, Estud. Fl. Juan Fernandez 195 (1896) [see pdf] [G. Lister also cites as a possible synonym of Licea variabilis Schrad. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes, 52. 1969). Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:28. 1976, comments it "the diagnosis is too vague for a positive determination, and could even refer to a species of Perichaena"]


Lamproderma inconspicuum J. Schröt., in Hennings, Hedwigia 35:208 (1896) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:153. 1925, as "L. inconspicuum Racib.", as a possible synonym of L. arcyrionema Rostaf. Possibly distinct (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 221. 1969)]


Physarum variabile var. sessile Lister, J. Bot. 36:114 (1898) [see pdf] [On the identity of this name see Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:174. 1976]


Physarum crustiforme Speg., Anales Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 6(3):200 (1898) [see pdf] ["1899"] [Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925. The sketches and notes are inconclusive, see Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:281. 1976. Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 339, 357. 1969, following earlier authors, list this taxon as doubtful species and also as synonym of Diderma effusum (Schwein.) Morgan. The type specimen (LPS 31416) revealed only some fragments composed of crystalline lime and suffused with hyphae]


Didymium platense Speg., Anales Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 6(3):201 (1898) [see pdf] ["1899"] [Not reported by Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16. 1976]


Lycogala platense Speg., Anales Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 6(3):203 (1898) [see pdf] ["1899"] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:199. 1925, as a possible synonym of L. epidendrum (L.) Fr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969)]


Lignydium filamentosum (Trentep.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia filamentosa Trentep. See comment under this species]


Lignydium niveum (O.F. Müll.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia nivea O.F. Müll. See comment under this species]


Lignydium physarum (Pers.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf]


Lignydium albicans (Peck) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf]


Lignydium antiades (Bull.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf]


Lignydium atropurpureum (Peck) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf]


Lignydium atrum (Pers.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf]


Lignydium caespitosum (Schwein.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf]


Lignydium chlorinum (Cooke) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum chlorinum Cooke. See comment under this species]


Lignydium elegans (Schwein.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum elegans Schwein. See comment under this species]


Lignydium fimetorum (Schumach.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum fimetarium Schumach. See comment under this species]


Lignydium flavovirens (Alb. & Schwein.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum flavovirens Alb. & Schwein. See comment under this species]


Lignydium hypnophilum (Fr.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum hypnophilum Fr. See comment under this species]


Lignydium luteovalve (Schwein.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum luteovalve Schwein. See comment under this species]


Lignydium ornatum (Peck) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum ornatum Peck. See comment under this species]


Lignydium piceum (Fr.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum piceum Fr. See comment under this species]


Lignydium polyaedrum (Schwein.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] ["polyedrum"] [Based on Physarum polyaedron Schwein. See comment under this species]


Lignydium subglobosum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum subglobosum Berk. & M.A. Curtis. See comment under this species]


Diderma sphaeroidale (Bull.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):465 (1898) [see pdf] [Comb. superfl., previously proposed by Sheldon, 1895. Based on Reticularia sphaeroidalis Bull., see comments under this species]


Lignydium vitellinum (Schwein.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):490 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Polyangium vitellinum Schwein., according to the Index Fungorum is not a fungus]


Hemiarcyria expansa (Mart.) Sacc. & D.Sacc., in Saccardo, Syll. fung. 18:212 (1906) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia expansa Mart. See comments under this species]


Erionema ciliatum (Corda) Maire, Ann. Mycol. 4(4):329 (1906)


Physarum anomalum (Massee) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:130 (1908) [see pdf] [Based on Tilmadoche anomala Massee, see comments under this species]


Physarum cavipes (Berk.) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:140 (1908) [see pdf] [Based on Tilmadoche cavipes Berk., see comments under this species]


Hemitrichia leiocarpa var. varneyi (Rex) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:49 (1908) [see pdf] [Based on Hemiarcyria varneyi Rex, see comments under this species]


Stemonitis fusca var. flaccida (Lister) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:81 (1908) [see pdf] [Doubtful, probably based on S. splendens var. flaccida Lister, but this species was considered as independent under the name Comatricha flaccida (Lister) Morgan, Symphytocarpus flaccidus (Lister) Ing & Nann.-Bremek. of the present treatment]


Lycogala torrendii Bres., in Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:28 (1908) [see pdf] [Sent by Torrend to Bresadola as a doubtful form, probably not a myxomycete. However, Bresadola decided it was a Lycogala and published it as cited. Neither the description nor the illustrations given in Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:28, pl. 9 figs. 19 -20. 1908, suggest a myxomycete. Saccardo & Trotter in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 22:808. 1913, cite it with a question mark (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969)]


Comatricha fluminensis (Speg.) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:75 (1908) [see pdf] [Based on Stemonitis fluminensis Speg., see comment under this species]


Lamproderma violaceum var. dictyosporum G. Lister", J.Bot. 46:118 (1908)


Dictydium umbilicatum var. genuinum Meyl., Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, 2 sér. 2:265 (1910) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3)]


Oligonema nitens Lister", Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 2, 221 (1911) [see pdf] [Cited as a synonym of O. flavidum (Peck) Peck; A. Lister in 1895 merely included forms now segregated as O. flavidum in O. nitens Lib. ex Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 418. 1969)]


Arcyria decipiens Racib." ex G. Lister, in Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 2, 234 (1911) [see pdf] [Not validly published. See Arcyrella decipiens Racib. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Physarum sulphureum Sturgis" ex G. Lister, in Lister, Monogr. mycetozoa, ed. 2, 60 (1911) [see pdf] [Cited as a synonym of Ph. auriscalpium Cooke. Sturgis, Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 18:187. 1893, assigned the authorship to Albertini and Schweinitz. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]


Diderma micromegasporum C.E. Martin, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, 2 sér. 5:138 (1913) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity]


Didymium discoideum Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 13(2):82 (1915) [see pdf] [No material available for study, but the diagnosis and illustration suggest D. clavus (Alb. & Schwein.) Rabenh. or D. squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. (apud Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:235. 1976). Nom. illeg., non D. discoideum Rostaf., 1874, nec D.discoideum K.S.Thind & H.S.Sehgal, 1964]


Ceratiomyxa sphaerospora Skup., Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 32:39, fig. 3 (1916) [see pdf] [No specimens exist for verification (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 36. 1969)]


Lycogala rostafinskii Siemaszko, Kosmos (Lvov) 47:249 (1922) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:198. 1925, as a possible synonym of L. flavofuscum (Ehrenb.) Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 65. 1969)]


Physarum diderma T. Macbr.", N. Amer. Slime-moulds, ed. 2, 55 (1922)


Physarum polonicum Skup., Bull. Int. Acad. Polon. Sci., Cl. Sci. Math., Ser. B, Sci. Nat. 1924:391 (1924) [see pdf] [Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:51. 1925, as a synonym of Ph. connatum (Peck) G. Lister, i. e. Ph. notabile T. Macbr. of the present treatment. Denied by Skupienski, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 42:158. 1924. The species is recognized by Krzemieniewska, Sluzowce Polsk. 82. 1960 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Licea hungarica Moesz, Folia Cryptog. 1:159 (1925) [see pdf] [An ascomycete, probably an Orbicula (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Stemonitis fourcadii Roum., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 71:106 (1927)


Trichia operculata Brühl & Gupta, J. Dept. Sci. Univ. Calcutta 8:119 (1927)


Badhamia mandshurica Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:86 (1931) [see pdf] [Neither description nor illustrations, pl. 2 figs. 6-8, permit recognition, but apparently close to B. affinis Rostaf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 262. 1969)]


Physarum compressum Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:86 (1931) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., a later homonym of Ph. compressum Alb. & Schwein., 1805]


Physarum griseum Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:86 (1931) [see pdf] [A later homonym of Ph. griseum Link, 1809. Identity uncertain (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Physarum asiaticum Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:87 (1931) [see pdf] [Close to, possibly identical with, Ph. confertum T. Macbr. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 338. 1969)]


Physarum mandshurica Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:87 (1931) [see pdf] [Apparently close to Ph. flavicomum Berk., but this may well be a distinct species (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 341. 1969)]


Lepidoderma mandshurica Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:88 (1931) [see pdf] [The description and illustrations suggest L. chailletii Rostaf. except that the spore size is given as 6.8-7.2 µm. If this can be verified and proves constant, the species may be worthy of recognition]


Licea brassicae Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:89 (1931) [see pdf] ["brassica"] [Wall said to contain lime. A Diderma? (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Licea mandshurica Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:89 (1931) [see pdf] [The figure suggests a Lepidoderma but the species is said to be without capillitium (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Trichia asiatica Skvortsov, Philipp. J. Sci. 46:90 (1931) [see pdf] [Teng & Teng, Sinensia 4:80. 1933, suggest T. erecta Rex (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 166. 1969)]


Diderma macrosporum Krzemien., Spraw. Komis. Fizjogr. 67:131 (1934) [see pdf] ["1933"] [Not listed in Krzemieniewska, Sluzowce Polsk. 1960. Close to if not a variant of D. chondrioderma (de Bary & Rostaf.) G. Lister (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 374. 1969). Nom. illeg., non D. macrosporum (Schwein.) Kuntze, 1898]


Comatricha extendens Hagelst., Mycologia 27(4):374 (1935) [see pdf] [The description suggests an abnormal development. In Mycetozoa N. Amer. 163. 1944, Hagelstein reports finding later developments connecting it with C. nigra (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) J. Schröt. through C. elegans (Racib.) G. Lister. All were from the type locality. Its status as a species is extremely doubtful (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 241. 1969)]


Arcyria hemitrichoides Koaze, Hiroshima Ryakus 5 (1936)


Physarum niezabitowskii Namysl., Spraw. Komis. Fizjogr. 72:453 (1937)


Stemonitis confluens "var. minuta" Batista, Bol. Secr. Agric. (Recife) 16(3/4):166 (1949)


Stemonitis travancorensis Erady, Kew Bull. 1953:570 (1953)


Arcyria albispora Hertel", Dusenia 5(3-4):192 (1954) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., cited by Hertel as "in litteris"]


Arcyria fonsecae Hertel, Dusenia 5(3-4):119 (1954) [see pdf] ["fonsecai"] [Appears to agree with A. ferruginea Saut. in color, shape and spore size, but differs in capillitium (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969). No material has been available for examination (Farr, Fl. Neotrop., 16:81. 1976)]


Arcyria carletae Hertel, Dusenia 5(3-4):120 (1954) [see pdf] [Description suggests a brown form of A cinerea (Bull.) Pers. If these forms should be regarded as distinct, this name should be considered (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 138. 1969)]


Arcyria stellfeldii Hertel, Dusenia 5(3-4):122 (1954) [see pdf] ["stellfeldi"] [Possibly a dark phase of A. nutans (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969). Not material have been available for examination. Appears to be close to A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers. (Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:83. 1976)]


Stemonitis curitibensis Hertel, Dusenia 6:47 (1955)


Didymium nigrum Krzemien., Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 29:169 (1960) [see pdf] [On the basis of the description, quite unique, but possibly not a Didymium nor a member of any other recognized genus (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 401. 1969)]


Stemonitis minor Golovenko, Mater. First Co-ord. Congr. Mycol. Central Asia and Kazakhstan 129 (1960) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis]


Stemonitis sophia Golovenko, Mater. First Co-ord. Congr. Mycol. Central Asia and Kazakhstan 129 (1960) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis]


Licea didermoides G.W. Martin, Brittonia 14:181 (1962) [see pdf] [An ascomycete, Orbicula parietina (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 53. 1969)]


Licea mysorensis Agnihothr., Indian Phytopathol. 18:92 (1965)


Echinostelium roseum Ing, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 48(4):650 (1965) [see pdf] [Nom. conf.]


Lycogala mysorensis (Agnihothr.) Agnihothr., Indian Phytopathol. 19(2):229 (1966)

Macbrideola coprophila Nann.-Bremek., K.G. Mukerji & S.N. Singh, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., C. 82(2):217 (1979) [see pdf] [Considered by Lakhanpal & Mukerji, Biblioth. Mycol. 78:331. 1981, as a synonym of Macbrideola indica (A.K. Sarbhoy, S.N. Singh & D.K. Agarwal) Nann.-Bremek., T.N. Lakh., K.G. Mukerji & Singh, based on Utharomyces indicus A.K. Sarbhoy, S.N. Singh & D.K. Agarwal, not a myxomycete, a Pilobolaceae, see Kirk & Benny, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 75(1):124. 1980]


Enteridium splendens var. juranum (Meyl.) M.L. Farr., Nova Hedwigia 31(1-2):103 (1979) [see pdf] [Comb. superfl., published 23-July-1979, but previously proposed by Härkönen, Karstenia 19:5, 5-May-1979]


Physarum dudlianum T.N. Lakh. & K.G. Mukerji, Biblioth. Mycol. 78:204 (1981) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1). Cited as "Indian Phytopath., (in press, 1979)", but no publication has been found]


Didymium bahiense var. europaeum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 16 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium megalosporum var. crystallinum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 16 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium leptotrichum f. spiralis Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 16 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description. Nom. nudum, according to Poulain, Il Micologo 100:40. 2001]


Didymium dubium f. spiralis Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 16 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium anellus f. operculatum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 16 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium anellus var. microsporum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 16 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium anellus f. brunofillum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 16 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium dubium var. coprophilum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 17 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium leptotrichum var. verrucosporum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 17 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium leptotrichum var. subreticulosporum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 17 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium leptotrichum var. anomaliter Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 17 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium dubium var. crassifilum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 18 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium dubium var. filum-nodulosum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 18 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium dubium var. sparcifilum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 18 (1996) [see pdf] ["sparsifilum"] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Didymium dubium var. pallidofilum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 18 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Lycogala fragilis Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 18 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Lycogala terrestre var. bicorticalis Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 19 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Lycogala terrestre var. arborioides Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 19 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Lycogala affine var. verrucoscabrum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 19 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Lycogala affine var. scabramenbranum Nann.-Bremek., Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 19 (1996) [see pdf] [Published as "provisional (invalid) name", without Latin description]


Trichia deformis Yu Li & Q. Wang, Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 64 (1996) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 and 40.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1 and 40.1, ICBN art. 36.1 and 37.1), without Latin description or diagnosis and typus nor indicated]


Trichia torispiralis Q. Wang & Yu Li, in Li & Wang, Second Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 64 (1996) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis]


Didymium magniverrucosporus Oltra, Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 22:14 (1997) [see pdf] [in litt.]


Polysphondylium acuminatum Vadell & Cavender, Mycologia 90(4):716 (1998) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.3 (Melbourne Code art. 40.3) ]


Perichaena agavei G. Moreno, A. Sánchez, Lizárraga, Illana & A. Castillo, in Stephenson, Landolt & Owens (eds.), Third Int. Congr. Syst. Ecol. Myxomycetes 52 (1999) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis]


Lepidoderma carestianum f. macrosporum Poulain, Mar. Mey. & Bozonnet", Bull. Mycol. Bot. Dauphiné-Savoie 165:12 (2002) [see pdf] [Publish as "ad int. ?" without description]


Licea elloriana Nanir & Rokade, in Tembhurne & Nanir, Pl. Sci. Feed 1(2):24 (2011)


Lepidoderma effusum Rokade & Nanir, in Tembhurne & Nanir, Pl. Sci. Feed 1(2):26 (2011)


Diderma non-columellata R.L. Mishra & Ranade, in Mishra, Phate & Ranade, Mycosphere 4(5):866 (2013) [see pdf] [Invalid name, Shenzhen Code art. F.5.1 (Melbourne Code art. 42.1). Identifier issued by a recognized repository is not included]


Diderma physarinum R.L. Mishra & Ranade, in Mishra, Phate & Ranade, Mycosphere 4(5):867 (2013) [see pdf] [Invalid name, Shenzhen Code art. F.5.1 (Melbourne Code art. 42.1). Identifier issued by a recognized repository is not included]


Diderma agglomerosporum D.I. Barbosa & L.H. Cavalcanti, in Barbosa, Melo, Breyner & Cavalcanti, Phytotaxa 494(2):233 (2021) [see pdf] ["aglomerospora "] [Nom. inval., see ICN Art. F.5.1 (Shenzhen code); an identifier issued by a recognized repository was not cited in the protologue]


Schenella simplex T. Macbr., Mycologia 3(1):39 (1911) [see pdf] [See comments under the genus Schenella]


Schenella T. Macbr., Mycologia 3(1):39 (1911) [see pdf] [The author agree with Rammeloo, Icones Mycologicae 93-110, pl. 110. 1985, it is not a myxomycete. Estrada et al., Mycologia 97(1):142-152. 2005, clarify the situation of this genus. It is a gasteromycete]


Comatricha martinii Nanir, Nova Hedwigia 37(2-3):452 (1983) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non C. martinii Alexop. & Beneke, 1954. According to Nannenga-Bremekamp (in litt.) probably a Paradiachea (Lado, Cuad. Trab. Fl. Micol. Iber. 16:94. 2001)]


Schenella microspora G.W. Martin, Mycologia 53(1):29 (1962) [see pdf] [See comments under the genus Schenella]


Cribraria splendens var. jurana Meyl.",


Arcyria Hill, Hist. pl. 47 (1751) [see pdf] [Pre-Linnaean ]


Trichia nuda (L.) With., Bot. arr. Brit. pl., ed. 2, 3:477 (1792) [see pdf] [Probably based on Clathrus nudus L., Sp. pl. 2:1179 (1753). See comments under this species. Sowerby, in Col. fig. Engl. fung. 1: 24. tab. L. (1797) mentioned Trichia nuda With. and Clathrus nudus L. as synonyms]


Stemonitis fulva (L.) J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1468 (1792) [see pdf] [Based on Mucor fulvus L., Sp. pl. 2:1185. 1753, a fungus]


Lycogala sphaericum (Gled.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:469 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Lycoperdon sphaericum Gled., Meth. fung. 150. 1753, a pre-Linnaean name]


Mucilago alba (Battarra) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:475 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Mucilago crustacea var. alba Battarra, see comments under this species]


Clathroides Adans., 2:8 (1763) [see pdf] [Adanson cited Micheli, Nov. Pl. Gen. t. 94. 1729, a pre-Linnaean book. Also cited Sphaerocephalus Hall., probably in reference to Enum. meth. stirp. Helv. 1:9. 1742, also pre-Linnaean, but the genus is well described]


Mucilago Haller, Hist. stirp. Helv. 3:110 (1768) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg. (Art. 53.1). See García-Martín, Zamora & Lado, Persoonia 51:103. 2023]


Lycogala Retz., Ac. Holms. 254. 1769",


Didymium stipitatum (Retz.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:476 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Lycoperdon stipitatum Retz., see comment under this species]


Clathroides recutita (L.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:468 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [Based on Clathrus recutitus L., Fl. suec., ed. 2 456. 1755, see comments under Stemonitis recutita (L.) J.F. Gmel, Syst. nat. 2:1467. 1792. About the identity of the genus Clatrhoides see comments under this genus]


Trichia miniata (Jacq.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:469 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia miniata Jacq., see comments under this species]


Hemiarcyria pedata (Schmidel) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:471 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Clathrus pedatus Schmidel, see comments under this species]


Clathrus turbinatus Huds., Fl. angl., ed. 2, 2:632 (1778) [see pdf] [Farr, Fl. Neotrop. 16:93. 1976, cited this species as "Clatrhus tubinatus Bolton" and as a doubtfull synonym of Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers.]


Trichia gregaria (Retz.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:470 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Lycoperdon gregarium Retz., see comments under this species]


Stemonitis pyriformis (F.H. Wigg.) Willd., Fl. berol. prodr. 409 (1787) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 252. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 420. 1969). Based on Arcyria pyriformis F.H. Wigg., 1780]


Trichia sphaerocephala (Batsch) Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:15, tab. 4, fig. 2 (1790) [see pdf] [Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:262. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 168. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 309. 1875. Based on Mucor sphaerocephalus Batsch.]


Trichia bombacina (Batsch) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:470 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Lycoperdon bombacinum Batsch, see comments under this species]


Didymium sphaerocephalum (Batsch) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:475 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Mucor sphaerocephalus Batsch, see comments under this species]


Clathroides adnatum (Saut.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:466 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [Based on Clathrus adnatus Basch, see comments under this species. About the identity of the genus Clathroides see comments under this genus]


Trichia sphaerocephala (Relhan) Sowerby, Col. fig. Engl. fung. 2:[48] tab. 240 (1799) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non T. sphaerocephala (Batsch) Hoffm., 1790. Based on Clathrus sphaerocephalus Relhan, Fl. cantab. suppl. 1:31 (1786), see comments under this species]


Clathrus adnatus Batsch, Elench. fung. 141 (1783) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 130. 1969). Probably corresponds with A. incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers., in this case a prioritary name]


Lycogala purpureum Schrank, Baier. Fl. 2:639 (1789) [see pdf] [Doubtful. References in the literature not found]


Mucor carnosus (Bull.) Dicks., Fasc. [tertius] pl. crypt. brit. 23 (1793) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 376. 1875, in index, without citation, as a synonym of Fuligo varians Sommerf. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 417. 1969). Dickson based it on Reticularia carnosa Bull., not a myxomycete. See comments under this species]


Arcyria adnata (Batsch) Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 36 (1876) [see pdf] [Based on Clathrus adnatus Batsch, see comments under this species]


Embolus lacteus Hoffm., Veg. crypt. 2:8, tab. 2, fig. 3 (1790) [see pdf] [Cited by Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 252. 1875, as a synonym of Trichia varia (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 414. 1969)]


Trichia pyriformis Pers., Observ. mycol. 2:33 (1800) [see pdf] ["1799"] [Nom. illeg., non T. pyriformis Vill., 1789, nec T. piriformis Leers ex Hoffm., 1790, nec T. pyriformis Sibth., 1794, nec T. pyriformis (Bull.) DC., 1805, nec T. pyriformis (Scop.) P. Karst., 1879]


Diderma sphaeroidale (Bull.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:476 (1895) [see pdf] ["sphaeroidalis"] [Based on Reticularia sphaeroidalis Bull., see comments under this species]


Cribraria sphaerocarpa (Schrank) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:466 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Stemonitis sphaerocarpa Schrank, Bot. Mag. (Römer & Usteri) 4(12):20 (1790), see comments under this species]


Fuligo carnosa (Bull.) Duby, Bot. gall., ed. 2, 2:863 (1830) [see pdf] [Based on Reticularia carnosa Bull., but it not a Myxomycete. Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 449. 1848, suggests Ptychogaster]


Comatrichoides nigra (Pers. ex J.F. Gmel.) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Cribraria Schrad. ex J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1471 (1792) [see pdf] [Cribraria Schrad. ex J. F. Gmel., with the single species C. pallida Schrad. ex J. F. Gmel., antedates Cribraria Pers. by two years, but is merely named with the citation "Schrader fung. ined." (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 75. 1969). Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:12. 1966, adds that he has found no reference to the species in Persoon, 1794, nor Schrader, 1797, nor in any later work. Neither genus nor species can be recognized from the description, but it may be a legitimately published earlier synonym of Cribraria Pers. For this reason the name Cribraria Pers. is maintained because the proposal to conserve this name (Lado et al., Taxon 54:544. 2005) has been accepted by the IAPT Committe for Fungi (Gams, Taxon 54:829. 2005)]


Cribraria pallida Schrad. ex J.F. Gmel., Syst. nat., ed. 13 (Leipzig), 2(2):1471 (1792) [see pdf] [Cribraria pallida Schrad. ex J. F. Gmel. is merely named with the citation "Schrader fung. ined." (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 75. 1969). Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:12. 1966, adds that he has found no reference to the species in Persoon, 1794, nor Schrader, 1797, nor in any later work. Neither genus nor species can be recognized from the description, but it may be a legitimately published earlier synonym of other species of Cribraria]


Diderma angulatum (Pers. ex J.F. Gmel) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:477 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Reticularia angulata Pers., see comments under this species]


Diderma angulatum (Pers. ex J.F. Gmel) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):465 (1898) [see pdf] [Comb. superfl., previously proposed by Sheldon, 1895. Based on Reticularia angulata Pers. ex J.F. Gmel. See comments under this species]


Badhamia hyalina var. "genuina" (Pers.) Berk., [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 24.3 (Melbourne Code art. 24.3, ICBN art. 24.3). Cited by Rostafinsky, Sluzowce monogr. 140.1874]


Reticularia argentea (Pers.) Poir., in Lamarck, Encycl. 6:183 (1804) [see pdf] [Based on Lycogala argenteum Pers., see comment under this species]


Brefeldia inquinans (Link) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:474 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Dermodium inquinans Link, see comments under this species]


Cionium complanatum (Schrad.) Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):28 (1809) [see pdf] [Based on Didymium complanatum Schrad., see comments under this species]


Physarum filamentosum (Trentep.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:480 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia filamentosa Trentep., see comments under this species]


Dictydium cancellatum var. venosum (Schrad.) Torrend, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 7:12 (1908) [see pdf] [Based on D. venosum Schrad., see comments under this species]


Didymium physaroides (Pers.) Fr. & Palmquist, Symb.gasteromyc., fasc. 3 :21 (1818) [see pdf] [Based on Spumaria physaroides Pers., see comments under this species. Non Didymium physaroides (Link) Link]


Arcyria carnea Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:213 (1803) [see pdf] [G. Lister says may be A. carnea (G. Lister) G. Lister. Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 275. 1875, cited it as a synonym of A. incarnata (Pers. ex J. F. Gmel.) Pers. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 124. 1969)]


Spumaria flava Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:195 (1803) [see pdf] [Not recognizable from description]


Spumaria pallida Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:195 (1803) [see pdf] [Not recognizable from description]

Arcyria punicea Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:214 (1803) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non A. punicea Pers., 1794]


Physarum aurantium Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:201 (1803) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non Physarum aurantium (Bull.) Pers., 1801, nec Ph. aurantium Alb. & Schwein., 1805]


Clathroides vermiculare (Schumach.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:468 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [Based on Arcyria vermicularis Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:212. 1803. About the identity of the genus Clatrhoides see comments under this genus]


Clathroides umbrinum (Schumach.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:466 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [Based on Arcyria umbrina Schumach., see comment under this species. About the identity of the genus Clathroides see comments under this genus]


Diderma album (Schumach.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):465 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Spumaria alba Schumach. See comments under this species]


Diderma granulatum (Schumach.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):110 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on Spumaria granulata Schumach., see comments under this species]


Diderma minutum (Schumach.) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):111 (1829) [see pdf] [Based on Spumaria minuta Schumach., see comments under this species]


Phlebomorpha grisea (Alb. & Schwein.) Pers., Mycol. eur. 1:62 (1822) [see pdf] [Is a myxomycete plasmodium, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26-27. 1966. See also Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3:70. 1829. Based on Mesenterica grisea Alb. & Schwein., 1805]


Phlebomorpha sanguinolenta (Alb. & Schwein.) Pers., Mycol. eur. 1:62 (1822) [see pdf] [Is a myxomycete plasmodium, see Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:26-27. 1966. Based on Mesenterica sanguinolenta Alb. & Schwein., 1805]


Physarum albipes Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 3(1):27 (1809) [see pdf] [Possible synonym of Ph. leucophaeum Fr. & Palmquist or. Ph. album (Bull.) Chevall.]


Didymium physaroides (Link) Link, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 7:42 (1815) [see pdf] ["1816"] [Based on Leangium physaroides Link, 1809. See comments under this species]


Didymium eunigripes" ,


Clathroides fuscum (Fr. & Palmquist) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:467 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [Based on Arcyria fusca Fr. & Palmquist, see comments under this species. About the identity of the genus Clathroides see comments under this genus]


Trichia nuda var. minor Purton, Bot. descr. Brit. pl. 3(2):497 (1821) [see pdf] [See comments under Clathrus nudus L. and Trichia nuda (L.) With.]


Fulgia encaustica Chevall., J. Phys. Chim.Hist. Nat. Arts 94:58 (1822) [see pdf] [Cited in the literature, Kowalski, Mycologia, 60(3):660. 1970, as a synonym of Lamproderma columbinum (Pers.) Rostaf. See also Martin, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 20:16. 1966]


Reticularia strongylium Schwein., Schriften Naturf. Ges. Leipzig 1:35 (1822) [see pdf] [Nom. dub. Cited by Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 172. 1969, but reference not found. Schweinitz mentioned this name as R. "Stronglium" in Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser. 4:262. 1832]

Cribraria trichioides Chevall.", Fl. gén. env. Paris 1:327 (1826)


Lycogala marianna Pers., in Gaudichaud-Beaupré, in Freycinet, Voy. Uranie 179 (1827) [see pdf] ["1826"]


Physarum atrum (Pers) Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):147 (1829) [see pdf] [Non Ph. atrum Schwein., 1832. According to Morgan, J. Cincinnati. Soc. Nat. Hist. 19:27. 1896, Ph. atrum Fr., is not a myxomycete. See Cooke, Contr. Mycol. Brit. 16. 1877, and Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7:350, 351. 1888. The comment "doubtful" in G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:260. 1925, summarizes adequately the unsatisfactory status of Fries's name (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 338. 1969). See also Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 302, 304. 1875. Based on Lycogala atra, Pers., in Fries, 1829. See comments under this species]


Arcyria ramulosa (F. Rudolphi) Wigand, Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 3:43 (1863) [see pdf] [Based on Trichia ramulosa F. Rudolphi, q.v. (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 139. 1969). See comment under this species]


Diderma flavum Weinm., Hymen. Gasteromyc. 593 (1836) [see pdf] [Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:61.1925, cites a number of names which may or may not be synonyms of either Ph. conglomeratum (Fr.) Rostaf. or Ph. contextum (Pers.) Pers. Unless type or authentic material can be examined, they cannot be determined from the descriptions (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 295. 1969)]


Diderma rugulosum Weinm., Hymen. Gasteromyc. 594 (1836) [see pdf] [Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:61.1925, cites a number of names which may or may not be synonyms of either Ph. conglomeratum (Fr.) Rostaf. or Ph. contextum (Pers.) Pers. Unless type or authentic material can be examined, they cannot be determined from the descriptions (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 295. 1969)]


Clathroides decipiens (Berk.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:468 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [Based on Arcyria decipiens Berk., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 1. 9:447. 1842. About the identity of the genus Clathroides see comments under this genus]


Comatricha stemonitis var. pumila (Corda) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:473 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Stemonitis pumila Corda, see comments under this species]


Tubulina brunnea (Preuss) Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 42 (1892) [see pdf] [Based on Licea brunnea Preuss, Linnaea 26:709. 1853, see comments under this species]


Tubifera brunnea (Preuss) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:465 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Licea brunnea Preuss, Linnaea 26:709. 1853, see comments under this species]


Didymium squamulosum var. australe (Berk.) Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 22 (1876) [see pdf] [Based on Didymium australe Berk., 1855. See comments under this species]


Diderma pezizoideum (Berk.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:478 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Trichamphora pezizoides Berk., see comments under this species]


Diderma friesianum (Rostaf.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:477 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Chondrioderma friesianum Rostaf., see comments under this species]


Didymium confluens (Pers.) Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. 164 (1874) [see pdf] [Based on Physarum confluens Pers., Syn. Meth. Fung. 169. 1801 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 382. 1969). See comments under this species]


Diderma stahlii (Rostaf.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:478 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Chondrioderma stahlii Rostaf., see comments under this species]


Paradiacheopsis arcyrionema (Rostaf.) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Diderma albulum Howe, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 6(4):30 (1875) [see pdf]


Didymium simulans Howe, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 6(4):30 (1875) [see pdf]


Stemonitis nigra var. suksdorfii (Ellis & Everh.) Sturgis", Colorado Coll. Stud. Sci. Ser. 12(1):33 (1907) [see pdf] [Cited by Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 238. 1969, a mistake for Comatricha nigra var. suksdorfii (Ellis & Everh.) Sturgis]


Paradiacheopsis elegans (Racib.) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Clathroides simile (Racib.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:468 (1895) [see pdf] ["Clatrhodes"] [Based on Arcyrella similis Racib., Rozpr. Spraw. Posiedzen Wydz. Mat.-Przyr. Akad. Umiejetn 12:81. 1884, see comments under this species. About the identity of the genus Clatrhoides see comments under this genus]


Diderma mutabile (J.Schröt.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:477 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Chondrioderma mutabile J. Schröt., see comments under this species]


Diderma ochraceum (J. Schröt.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:478 (1895) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., non Diderma ochraceum Hoffm. 1795. Sheldon based his combination on Chondrioderma ochraceum J. Schröt., see comments under this species]


Tubifera guaranitica (Speg.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:465 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Licea guaranitica Speg., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 22:187. 1886, see comments under this species]


Tubifera spumarioidea (Cooke & Massee) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:465 (1895) [see pdf] ["spumaroidea"] [Based on Licea spumarioidea Cooke & Massee, in Cooke, Grevillea 16:74. 1888, not a myxomycete]


Physarum pulchripes Peck 26 Rep. pag. 75",


Lamproderma lycopodii (Nees) Raunk., Bot. Tidsskr. 17:90 (1888) [see pdf] ["1890"] [Based on Cribraria lycopodii Nees. See comment under this species. Cited by Raunkiaer as Lamproderma lycopodii "(Fr.) Raunk."]


Diderma puiggari (Speg.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 3(3):466 (1898) [see pdf] [Based on Chondrioderma puiggari Speg., see comments under this species]


Stemonitis irregularis (Rex) Hertel, Dusenia 7:346 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Stemonitis typhina var. pumila Massee, Monogr.Myxogastr. 75 (1892) [see pdf] [Probably based on Stemonitis pumila Corda, see comments under this species]


Stemonitis typhina Massee, Monogr.Myxogastr. 74 (1892) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., Shenzhen Code art. 53.1 (Melbourne Code art. 53.1, ICBN art. 53.1), a homonym of Stemonitis typhina F.H. Wigg. 1780]


Paradiacheopsis lurida (Lister) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Paradiacheopsis rubens (Lister) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Enteridium juranum (Meyl.) Mornand, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 109(2):65 (1993)


Dictydium umbilicatum f. venosum (Schrad.) Meyl., Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, 2 sér. 2:265 (1910) [see pdf] [Based on D. venosum Schrad. See comments under this species]


Paradiacheopsis cornea (G. Lister & Cran) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Lepidodermopsis vermicularis R. Wilczek & Meyl., Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 58:179 (1934) [see pdf] [According to Kowalski, Mycologia 63(3):515. 1971, and 67(3):492. 1975, an illegitimate taxon. The organism so named represents a sclerotial phase of some myxomycete, probably Lepidoderma granuliferum (W. Phillips) R. E. Fr. (Lado, Cuad. Trab. Fl. Micol. Iber. 16:102. 2001)]


Arcyria denudata var. rosea Solacolu & Forstner, in Forstner, Contributiuni la Studiul Myxomycetelor din România 56 (1940)


Paradiacheopsis martinii (Alexop. & Beneke) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Comatricha typhoides var. cinerea Hertel, Dusenia 6:48 (1955)


Comatrichoides fragilis (Meyl.) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Comatrichoides filamentosa (Meyl.) Hertel, Dusenia 7:348 (1956) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 41.5 (Melbourne Code art. 41.5, ICBN art. 33.3), basionym reference omitted]


Fuligo muscorum var. tienshanica Golovenko, Mater. First Co-ord. Congr. Mycol. Central Asia and Kazakhstan 130 (1960) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis. The description is entirely in Russian]


Lamproderma columbinum var. equiseti Golovenko, Mater. First Co-ord. Congr. Mycol. Central Asia and Kazakhstan 127 (1960) [see pdf] ["equisetii"] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis]


Diderma spumarioides var. pskemica Golovenko, Mater. First Co-ord. Congr. Mycol. Central Asia and Kazakhstan 132 (1960) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis]


Cienkowskia transiliensis Golovenko, Mater. First Co-ord. Congr. Mycol. Central Asia and Kazakhstan 131 (1960) [see pdf] [The Russian description does not suggest a Cienkowskia (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 244. 1969). Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1), without Latin description or diagnosis]


Arcyria forstneri Brândza, in Forstner, Stud. Cercet. Biol. (Bucharest), Ser. Biol. Veg. 27(3):202 (1975)


Physarum javanicum var. macrosporum T.N. Lakh. & K.G. Mukerji, Biblioth.Mycol. 78:211 (1981) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1). Cited as "Indian Phytopath., (in press, 1979)", but no publication has been found]


Physarum spumarioides T.N. Lakh. & K.G. Mukerji, Biblioth.Mycol. 78:229 (1981) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1, ICBN art. 36.1). Cited as "Indian Phytopath., (in press, 1979)", but no publication has been found]


Diderma cingulatum var. rimosum f. pallidosporum Nann.-Bremek. & Y. Yamam., in Yamamoto & Nannenga-Bremekamp, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. 98(3):321 (1995) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.6 (Melbourne Code art. 40.6, ICBN art. 37.5), typus not indicated ]


Dictydiaethalium cinnabarinum (Berk. & Broome) Hiranuma, in Emoto, Myxomycetes Japan 24 (1977) [see pdf] [Nom. nud. Published corretly by Neubert, Nowotny & Baumann, Myxomyceten 1:122. 1993]


Licea minima var. nolitangere Nann.-Bremek., in Krieglsteiner, Libri Botanici 11:109 (1993) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 and 40.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1 and 40.1, ICBN art. 36.1 and 37.1). Published as "Nann.-Bremek. ined." Holotype not indicated]


Lycogala epidendrum var. cristatum Flatau & Schirmer, Z. Mykol. 60(1):256 (1994) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.1 (Melbourne Code art. 40.1, ICBN art. 37.1), without mention of the holotypus]


Cribraria rufa var. minuta Flatau & Schirmer, Z. Mykol. 60(1):262 (1994) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 39.1 and 40.1 (Melbourne Code art. 39.1 and 40.1, ICBN art. 36.1 and 37.1). Published as "nom. prov."]


Hemitrichia furcispiralis Q. Wang, Yu Li & H.Z. Li, Mycosystema 8-9:177 (1996) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity. Probably not a myxomycete]


Licea takahashii Y. Yamam., Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., B 26(3):114 (2000) [see pdf] [Wrigley de Basanta & Lado, Fungal Div. 20:307-308. 2005, consider it as a inmature Trichia]


Dictyostelium brevicaule Vadell & Cavender, Mycologia 99(1):115 (2007) [see pdf] [Nom. illegit., Shenzhen Code art. 53.1 (Melbourne Code art. 53.1, ICBN art. 53.1). A homonym of Dictyostelium brevicaule Olive 1901. Published as "Dictyostelium brevicaule Olive var. brevicaule Vadell & Cavender sp. nov." ]


Crateriella R.L. Mishra & Ranade, CIBTech J. Microbiol. 1(1):61 (2012) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.1 (Melbourne Code art. 40.1, ICBN art. 37.1) ]


Crateriella nullifila R.L. Mishra & Ranade, CIBTech J. Microbiol. 1(1):62 (2012) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.1 (Melbourne Code art. 40.1, ICBN art. 37.1)]


Heterostelium versatile Cavender, J.C .Landolt, Perrigo, Vadell, P. Liu & S.L. Stephenson, in Perrigo, Vadell, Cavender, Landolt, Pu & Stephenson, Mycologia 112(5):1032 (2020) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.8]


Heterostelium radiatum Cavender, J.C .Landolt, Perrigo, Vadell, P. Liu & S.L. Stephenson, in Perrigo, Vadell, Cavender, Landolt, Pu & Stephenson, Mycologia 112(5):1033 (2020) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.8]


Raperostelium stabile Cavender, J.C .Landolt, Perrigo, Vadell, P. Liu & S.L. Stephenson, in Perrigo, Vadell, Cavender, Landolt, Pu & Stephenson, Mycologia 112(5):1033 (2020) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.8]


Cavostelium basinodulosa Cavender, J.C .Landolt, Perrigo, Vadell, P. Liu & S.L. Stephenson, in Perrigo, Vadell, Cavender, Landolt, Pu & Stephenson, Mycologia 112(5):1028 (2020) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.8]


Cavostelium canoespora Cavender, J.C .Landolt, Perrigo, Vadell, P. Liu & S.L. Stephenson, in Perrigo, Vadell, Cavender, Landolt, Pu & Stephenson, Mycologia 112(5):1028 (2020) [see pdf] [Nom. inval., Shenzhen Code art. 40.8]


Chondrioderma difforme f. fimisedum Rostaf., Sluzowce monogr. suppl. 20 (1876) [see pdf] [Uncertain identity]


Diderma physaroides (D.C.) E. Sheld., Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1:478 (1895) [see pdf] [Based on Spumaria physaroides DC, see comments under this species]