An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa

Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid © 2005 - 2025


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Invalid or doubtful name

Physarum striatum Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1):131 (1829) [see pdf]

[Described with three varieties, citing several older names. According to Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 130. 1874, one of these is Ph. viride (Bull.) Pers. In the index, page 385, he cites Ph. striatum Fuckel as a synonym of Ph. leucophaeum Fr., but Fuckel named Fries as the author. Massee, Monogr. Myxogastr. 243. 1892, cites it as a synonym of Didymium elegantissimum Massee, but on a completely inadequate basis. At least two and probably more species are included. Only examination of type material can determine application (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 342. 1969)]