Lindbladia effusa (Ehrenb.) Rostaf., in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk.
[see pdf]
[Based on Licea effusa Ehrenb., Sylv. Myc. Berol. 26. 1818, as published first by Fuckel and later in Rostafinski, Sluzowce Monogr. 224. 1875. Reference to Ehrenberg's original description and figures, especially 1, A-C, make it clear that they cannot apply to Lindbladia and strongly suggest that they are Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) J. F. Gmel. The same applies to Aethalium melaenum Chevall., Fung. Byss. Illustr. 1:pl. 32. 1837. Chevallier's (unpaged) description and the figure make it more than doubtful whether they can apply to Lindbladia. There can be little question as to the application of Fries's name and it seems desirable to revert to it for the type and only species of what Fries called this "nobilissimum genus" ( (Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 74. 1969)] This name is a synonym of: Lindbladia tubulina Fr. |