An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa

              Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid © 2005-2024


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Invalid or doubtful name

Trichia physaroides Schumach., Enum. pl. 2:210 (1803) [hide pdf]

[Doubtful. G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3:262. 1925 (apud Martin & Alexopoulos, Myxomycetes 167. 1969) Kowalski, Mycologia 62(4):660. 1970, cited it as a possible synonym of Lamproderma columbinum (Pers.) Rostaf.]

[pdf from Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardin Botánico, CSIC. Madrid]