An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa

              Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid © 2005-2024


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Accepted name

Polyschismium peyerimhoffii (Maire & Pinoy) A. Ronikier, J.M. García-Martín, A. Kuhnt, J.C. Zamora, M. de Haan, Janik & Lado, in Ronikier,Janik, de Haan, Kuhnt.& Zankowicz., Mycologia 114(6):1028 (2022) [see pdf]


Lepidoderma peyerimhoffii Maire & Pinoy, in Maire, Patouillard & Pinoy, Bull. Soc.Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 17(1):40 (1926) [see pdf] [See Moreno et al., Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 42:76. 2018]
Diderma peyerimhoffii (Maire & Pinoy) H. Neubert, Nowotny & K. Baumann, Myxomyceten 3:378 (2000) [see pdf] [This name has priority over D. nivale (Meyl.) Nowotny, H. Neubert & K. Baumann, Shenzhen Code art. 11.4 (Melbourne Code art. 11.4, ICBN art. 11.4)]
Diderma trevelyanii var. nivale Meyl., Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 50:8 (1914) [see pdf] [See Kowalski, Mycologia 67(3):488. 1975]
Diderma nivale (Meyl.) Nowotny, H. Neubert & K. Baumann, in Neubert, Nowotny & Baumann, Carolinea 49:24 (1991) [see pdf] [Nom. illeg., Shenzhen Code art. 52.1 (Melbourne Code art. 52.1, ICBN art. 52.1). The authors included the type of Lepidoderma peyerimhoffii Maire & Pinoy, 1926, which should have been adopted]