An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa

              Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid © 2005-2024


genus   specie    infraspecie    author    publication

Accepted name

Hemitrichia botrytis Georgev., Bull. Soc. Sci. Skoplje 6:127, 131 (1929) [see pdf]

[See Ing & Ivanicevic, Stapfia 155: 93-96, 2000, and Bortnikov et al., Bot. Pacifica 12(2):89, 2023] [See also comments under genus Hemitrichia]

Hyporhamma botrytis (Georgev.) Lado, Cuad. Trab. Fl. Micol. Iber. 16:47 (2001) [see pdf]